Welcome to the 40-Day Transformation Course!

Within just a few minutes, you’ll receive an email with login details to begin your 40-day Transformation journey housed within the Biblical Nutrition Academy (BNA)—and the email will have two options, depending on the following:


This is your first Biblical Nutrition Academy course.


You already have a Biblical Nutrition Academy account.

Your first BNA course: If this is your first BNA course enrollment, you will receive initial login details (consisting of a username and password) that you can then use to login to get started. Don’t worry, once you login you can change the password to whatever you want. 

For existing BNA members: If you’ve already signed up for at least one Biblical Nutritionist course in the past (and are already enrolled in the Biblical Nutrition Academy), then you can disregard the temporary password in the email. All you’ll need to do is log into the academy by clicking on the provided login link (which you’ll receive in the email), and your new course will be loaded up for you and ready for action! 

Friendly Reminder:

Hold onto your Biblical Nutritionist Academy login details to ensure seamless course access.

(Haven't seen our email yet? Give it about ten minutes, and if it's still missing, feel free to contact us at — info [at] thebiblicalnutritionist.com.) 

We’re so excited to begin this transformative journey with you!

Cheering you on,

~ Annette & The Biblical Nutritionist Team

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