Questions About Flax Seed – Everything You Need To Know!

May 6, 2021

questions about flax seed

Flaxseed has grown in popularity, and with it, people seeking to use flaxseed appropriately. This, naturally, elicits questions about flaxseed.

I’ve covered the topic of flaxseed several times, including this short video on health benefits of flaxseed and simple recipes that use flaxseed and this video reviewing the top 11 benefits of adding flaxseed to the menu.

It truly is one of my favorite foods in the treasure chest of healthy living.

Questions About Flaxseed

So, without further ado, here are several questions I’ve received from Facebook followers in our private group Biblical Nutrition Academy. I hope they bless you and help today be an amen day!

1. Is Flaxseed Good For Diabetics?

Flaxseed with fiber and essential oils help balance blood sugar. It’s definitely included in a healthy diet plan for those with diabetes (type 1 or 2) and even prediabetes. 

All healthy lifestyles include lots of fiber, which flaxseed is a good resource for. 

Most Americans eat around 15 grams of fiber a day, but my desire is for people to reach at the least 35 grams of fiber daily. Ideally, fiber intake should be closer to 50 grams a day, yet this can be a challenge for many people.

Fiber isn’t just important, it’s essential for health. (And a key ingredient to how I lost 60 pounds!) This is especially true for diabetics. 

Fiber is the first step to gaining your health back. A high fiber diet helps with satiety, reduces blood sugar cravings and stabilizes blood sugar.

But the best fiber doesn’t come in a package or supplement. As with all the nutrients our bodies need, the best source is the most natural source - real food.

Flaxseed is a wonderful, natural source of fiber and is easily added to oatmeal, smoothies, and many other of your favorite meals.

As we eat God designed fiber rich foods – we create a happy and healthy microbiome which leads to less depression and anxiety.

Remember – fiber is your friend! And so are flaxseeds.

2. How Should I Use Flaxseed?

Is it safe to add ½ t of cod liver oil, 2 T ground flaxseed and 1 T of sesame seed to a smoothie?

Yes, this would be fine. However, take note and see how your digestive system handles this. For some people who are sensitive to that much oil they may not feel well. For others this is no problem.

If you do have issues, then divide this out and have your sesame seeds and flax seeds at one time of the day and the cod liver oil at another.

3. Is It Okay To Grind Flaxseeds?

Can we grind flaxseed and store in the fridge for some days or weeks?

Good question. I love flaxseed questions because it means people are seeking to eat healthy and this is a simple add-on to accomplish just that.

Flax seeds should be bought as seeds, not already milled. Both brown and light tan are healthy options.

When you’re ready to add the seeds to your meal - two great options are smoothies and salads - then freshly milling is best.

If there is extra, store in a tightly sealed jar and place in the freezer to preserve the oils. It is best to use this within a day or so and not save very long. 

The idea of freshly milled is for you to get all the essential oils. The longer it is stored the less oils and it is just a fiber.

Which is great, but the oils are special too.

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