Schedule for Reclaim Retreat & B3 Victory Coaching

We have an exceptional schedule, whether you are attending the Reclaim Biblical Wellness Retreat, or staying for the entire week at our exclusive B3 Victory Training!

DON'T MISS: at this Biblical Wellness Retreat there will be time to schedule private consults with your choice of: Rhonda Carrol, Carol Graham, Annette Reeder, Linda Goldfarb, Chelsie Ingersoll, and Dr Jae Hitson*(must schedule directly with her). Sign ups will be at registration when you arrive.

Thursday, October 3rd

Reclaim The table and Healing

  • 12:30 Registration and Check In
    1 pm Reclaim Retreat Opening Session: Lakeview Lodge Conference Center
    Classes to reclaim our FOOD:
  • Breakout sessions include: Friendly Fermenting, Probiotics for Power Healing, Helpful and Creative Ideas for Vegetable Gardening with Clyde Majerus, Get a Handle on Weight Loss with Dr Jae Hitson, Yes, Your Kids Can Crave Healthy Foods, Simply Soudough, Timing of Events for Spring Veggie Gardening, and More
    RECLAIM Your Health
  • Music and Fun Workouts
  • General Session: Get Your Reclaim Started Today - Rhonda Carroll, It Starts in the Blood - Dr. Jae Hitson; Your Cells Tell Your Story - Annette Reeder, The Biblical Nutritionist.
  • AFTER HOURS Special Option: Worship in Song Workshop with Oxana Eliahu.  
  • MEALS: Dinner

Friday October 4th

Reclaim Your relationships

  • General Sessions with our keynote speakers: Annette Reeder, Rhonda Carroll, Dr Jae Hitson, and Carol Graham
  • Breakout sessions: Sweet Sleep, Challah Bread, Favoring Fertility; Learn this Before IVF, Drink Your Pros in Kefir, Enzymes for Pregnancy, Cancer Prevention and Praying for Healing. 
  • Sessions: What is Killing You?, Anxious for Nothing, Pray the Answer
  • Shabbat Celebration: Reclaim Your Rest in the Lord
  • Music and Fun Workouts
  • Prayers for Our Family
  • Reclaim the Blessing on Your Family, Forgiveness and Freedom
  • MEALS: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Saturday October 5th


  • What are the Weapons of Mass Destruction!
  • Music, Worship and Fun Workouts
  • How to Launch the Mişleş?
  • Yes, You Can Reclaim Your Future: Your Personal Plan of Action
  • Enjoy lunch, say goodbye to new biblical foodie friends and then head home.
  • Meals: Breakfast and Lunch

Monday, September 30th B3 Victory Coach Training Schedule - Requires a separate ticket

Coaching Foundations

  • Registration opens at 12:30 PM for B3 Victory Training schedule
  • B3 Victory Opening with Annette Reeder
  • How to Identify the Circumstances?
  • Learn to see behavior as God sees it.
  • How to See the Truth in Beliefs According to Scripture
  • Learn the Skills for Listening and Hearing
  • See the action steps for qualified coaching
  • Evening Cookout and Fellowship
  • Meals: Dinner

Tuesday October 1st

Personal growth


  • See the Blessings Change By Identifying The Lie/Truth
  • Learn/Demonstrate the skills of Leading With Scripture
  • The Flow of Decisions (Truth/Lies Chart)
  • Helping People Change (Lies die hard; replacing lies with truth)
  • Understanding Our Design: 3 Persons + Mind-Will-Emotions

  • Case Studies: Identify the 3B's
  • How the 3 Principles Changes Everything
  • Evening Session: God's Call on Your Life, How to See It in the Word
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Wednesday, October 2nd

Boundaries and Relationships

  • Decipher the Difference Between Boundaries vs Bondage
  • Peer-to-Peer Coaching: Key requirement for certification
  • Coaching the Personalities
  • After Dinner Free Time
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Thursday, October 3rd - Morning Prior to Reclaim Retreat beginning

Prayer ~ Reflection ~ realization

  • Morning time: Working on assignments, personal time to reflect on all just learned. QA with trainers.
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner