Annette Reeder is driven by being a wife, mother of two and grandmother of 7. That keeps her active and challenging the family to more adventures. Today, her calendar is filled meeting with people who are ready to truly experience God's recipe for excellent health.
This starts by recognizing how the world has convoluted God's Word and watered down the truths of who we are in Christ. I get to see the Ah-Ha moment take shape in each person as we go through God's Word and see how we have not trusted Him in our health. When this is learned FIRST, the nutrition makes sense!
People from around the world are reaching out for the answers. Answers she discovered - not in the textbooks from my Bachelor of Nutrition degree; but answers in God's Word!
From Being a Testimony of Man’s Wisdom to One of God’s Grace

There was a storm cloud above us that was scaring the little ones. Usually they are full of smiles
Yet, this is not how my journey started. In fact, I am amazed at God's answer to my one plea for help when I was in the throes of despair.
Here is my story. . .
My journey started with the resolve that I will be forever fat! I had almost given up on being lean and healthy.
But as a Christian, it was hard for me to ignore the truth – my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and this temple was sick and fat.
Thankfully, I came to a moment of crisis and found grace that leads me on the path to wholeness, the wholeness that I desire for you too.
There was a day when getting out of bed was the last thing I wanted to do.
I just wanted to roll over and pretend my life was different.
I was tired – fat – ugly – and depressed.
This wasn’t how I saw my life playing out at all.
Many years earlier (I can still remember every detail), our week at youth camp was quickly ending, and it was our last worship service.
And this night, we are on the cool green grass along the shore of a peaceful lake nestled in the Ozark hills.
We were singing the last song “Something Beautiful” and I knew my heart was going to burst with joy as I could feel for the first time in my life the Holy Spirit all around me. I felt peace, comfort, and love.
At 15, I knew life from now on was going to be like this every single day. He was going to make something beautiful of my life.
Fast forward 20 years, reality not only hit it crashed! I was a wife, mother of two, working, homeschooling my kids, teaching Sunday School,
and striving tirelessly to keep up.
I felt overwhelmed, tired, depressed, stressed, fat, tired, worn out, and tired.
Did I mention I was tired?

What happened to kumbayah and something beautiful? It had vanished.
In fact, in my marriage, I was ready to quit.
As a mother, I was ready to give up.
As a dieter, I was ready for chocolate… and lots of it.
Then, one autumn day, when the leaves were crisp along the road, I was driving to town for groceries.
My kids were in the back seat of our Escort wagon when the quietness of the car ride was interrupted by my 8 yr old son, Brent, who leaned forward and innocently asked
“Mom, why don’t you smile anymore?”
That question stunned me into reality.
Something beautiful? Not at all.
I needed change. Big change. The lies of the enemy weighed me down.
The Next Big Challenge...
Then the next crisis came - without asking permission– CANCER took root in our family.
Nothing prepares you for this diagnosis.
How did this happen? What was I doing wrong as the caretaker of my family?
Where were the answers?
I started vigorously searching for answers. Spiritual, physical, and emotional answers.
I became caught up in the winds of advice, blowing me from one expert to another.
As you know, there’s a lot of information out there, a lot of experts and other people who suggest one thing or another, who’ve had success in this, that, and the other.
It can quickly become overwhelming.

I wondered “How can even the most basic four-letter word, F-O-O-D, be so confusing?”
In our culture, food is confusing, but it wasn’t meant to be.
Even when the majority seem to be in agreement, that doesn’t necessarily mean they have it right. I mean, think about the shifts and fads that have happened just during your lifetime.
It is always shifting and changing from one thing is the best and only way to another thing being the right way.
At this time in my life, I only knew the RDA: Recommended Daily Allowances.
But I needed food from the Bible’s PLT: Proven Longtime Truth
With a new sense of discovery, I finally untangled myself from man’s web and took a fresh look at Scripture.
And what I discovered was Truth. Wonderful. Complete. Final Truth.
I eagerly learned: God's plan for my body, God's design in my food, and God's love and acceptance of me.
Sharing God's Recipe For Excellent Health

Annette on youtube
Annette Reeder is well known on YouTube, as The Biblical Nutritionist, with over 20 million views around the world.
Her YouTube channel features a variety of content, including recipes, grocery discovery, and teachings on how to improve your health with the Biblical way of eating.

biblical health books
Her life has always been about food research. First as an official foodie at the age of 5. Next through 7 years of Home-Ec and Food Science. And then to the completion of her Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition plus diploma in Biblical Studies at Liberty University.
Annette's 12 books take people on a journey to reclaiming their future with God's Recipe for Excellent Health.

bibical wellness coach
Annette is a Certified Biblical Wellness Coach CBWC, Certified Metabolic Balance Coach CMBC, Certified Brain Health Professional CBHP, Certified Mental Wellness Coach CMWC and a professional member of the American Society of Nutrition (ASN) and the National Association of Nutrition Practitioners (NANP).
At Biblical Nutrition Academy, she, along with other like-minded health coaches, will help you discover and study God’s Word for answers.
I want to see the strongholds of food and substance addiction torn down.
I long to see the people of God turn to him for an understanding of all areas of health instead of erecting pillars of “health” to worship that lead to further bondage.
Our bodies are His and He wants what is absolutely best for us. And He’s made treasures available to us and given us directions to use them.
I pray that you will be nourished and refreshed to complete your mission on the earth because we need what you carry.
Join me on this journey and discover the abundance God has for you!
- Annette
The Biblical Nutritionist - Here To Serve You God's Love Through Food!