Build a
Healthy Mindset
3-Fundamentals Explained
Just as we are physical, we are spiritual.
Just as we are spiritual, we are physical.
Everything physical and spiritual is marinated in what we believe.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
1 Timothy 1:7
What we believe becomes our reality. Our mindset affects every area of our health!
A healthy mind is a mind at peace. Knowing God and His Word brings peace to our minds, but when we face overwhelming stress, offenses, emotional instability, or pain, what are the steps back to wholeness?
On this page, you will find help and resources for developing and maintaining a healthy mindset. A healthy mind goes hand-in-hand with a healthy body and a healthy spirit, which we also teach about.
Here you will learn elements of a formula in our unique approach:
Beliefs---> Behaviors ---> Blessings.
Let’s dive in.
The Fundamentals of a
Healthy Mindset
A healthy mindset starts with beliefs and is followed by behaviors.
The two are closely intertwined.
Mindset is improved by starting with the mental.
Depression, anxiety, grief, distractedness, sense of overwhelm, and more describe a mindset that is out of balance with God's intent for you.
Seeing our daily circumstances with a biblically accurate belief lets you experience the true abundant life.
For example, you can choose to see problems as opportunities and challenges to be solved.
You can choose to be empathetic to a grumpy coworker who is probably battling something you know nothing about.
It takes time to transform our beliefs, yet it is very possible.
Mindset is enhanced by addressing the physical.
Depression, anxiety, PMS, lack of energy, and not-so-happy days can also result from an unbalanced microbiome. Learn how to make that change quickly.
Finally, a mindset is transformed by renewing the spiritual.
You are not alone. You are loved.
Know that God has a plan, and that your life is the process of that plan unfolding.
If you struggle with this truth, you are not alone. Therefore, beliefs matter.
When we address these three fundamentals, we can cultivate a truly healthy mindset, equipping us to face whatever comes our way.
Are ready to transform your mindset? The resources below can help.
Click on the button you feel is most necessary to get started.
The Biblical Nutritionist family is rooting for you!
Mental: Thoughts and Feelings
Beliefs go hand-in-hand with thoughts. What we believe dictates what we think, and then our thoughts direct how we behave. So after we address our beliefs and align them with God’s Word, what is the next area to deal with? Changing our thoughts.
The Fastest Way to Change Your Thoughts
Baggage has to go. Baggage includes guilt, depression, anxiety, lackadaisical, fear of success, and more. The key to experiencing freedom in the mind all boils down to your thoughts. To become free in your thoughts and not bound to negative thinking, lies, or false beliefs, you need a transformed mind.
The 40-Day Transformation Challenge is the fastest way to learn how to change your thoughts. This course can help you:
Reshape your thoughts and beliefs by turning to God’s Word.
Become a Forgiveness Expert
Nothing breaks down our minds faster and brings more emotional turmoil (stress) than unforgiveness. It produces disease, heartache, and endless pain. Are you ready to be free?
Learn the importance of forgiveness – and how it benefits your entire body – at the link below.
Master Your Emotions
Just as beliefs and thoughts are intertwined, so are thoughts and feelings. Gaining mastery over negative emotions is a powerful step in building mental fitness.
Find Freedom from Emotional Eating
It’s easy to run to food when we are sad, stressed out, or bored. But this can trap us in a hopeless cycle that eventually leads to weight gain, depression, and health issues. Break the cycle and overcome emotional eating with the help of the Hunger Satisfied Journal, which not only helps you learn how to live satisfied but gives 10 keys for success in the mind and with eating.
Physical: Gut ~ Brain Connection
The third aspect of a healthy mind is the physical component. A few elements that affect our mental health are sleep, nourishment, and gut health.
Learn the connection between a healthy mindset and body in this video, then check out the resources that are most appropriate to you below.
The Gut-Brain Connection
Gut health has a tremendous impact on our mood. When the gut is out of balance, known as dysbiosis, our minds suffer. You are ableto heal your gut with the best diet for gut health and weight loss. With just seven steps, you can achieve gut health and mental health, feel great each day, and be your best self.
Transform Your Diet
Simple steps beginning today will have you seeing happy days starting tomorrow.
First, be willing to throw away the lab experiment foods and reach for all food God called good. Yes, Doritos need to go. Forever. Second, bring on the fresh vegetables and fruits. Enjoy local and seasonal. Third, quench your thirsty cells with good quality water. And fourth, add in the whole grains, found in Scripture, healthy fats and farmer meats.
We don’t need science to prove Scripture true. God’s foods always work.
Discover more about what foods harm the gut, causing depression, digestive issues, mental fog, and more.
And if you’re ready to transform your eating habits with principles straight out of the Bible that lead to complete wellness, spiritually and physically, then it’s time to discover the Bible diet. By following the Bible’s “health plan” you can experience abundant health, natural energy, better sleep, weight loss, stabilized moods, and other amazing benefits – leading to a healthier, happier life overall.
When Food is Not Enough - Add Gut-Brain Healing Supplements
Sometimes food changes are not enough or don’t work as quickly as needed. That is when supplements.
Our healthy mindset changes with every bite brings in the therapeutic answer. There are over 200 known chemical messengers in the body, allowing a wide range of cell-to-cell communication and make our everyday lives either happy or sad.
We can improve our making of neurotransmitters with the help of pre, pro, phyto and quad biotics. These can improve our GABA, cortisol, serotonin and other neurotransmitters. When this happens, you will say, “Today, I feel amazing!”
Spiritual ~ Beliefs
What do you believe? Beliefs determine behavior.
In order to change behavior, identifying what you believe about yourself, God, life, and more and exchanging those beliefs for true, life-giving ones is crucial.
Shed Light on the Beliefs About Food That Control Your Life
This free ebook will unveil which of your beliefs about food and God are truly based on God’s Word and which are merely influenced by worldly values. I share seven simple steps to kick-start your journey to whole mind-and-body health, and how it starts with what you believe. Are your beliefs TRUE to God’s Word or from the world?
Discover strategies for replacing false beliefs with true, Biblical beliefs, and watch your life transform.
Heal From Beliefs that Hold You Back Using Scripture
Our minds often need healing from the harmful beliefs we have held. What is the number one way we can shape our beliefs? With God’s Word. God’s Word is life and truth. When we saturate our minds with truth, our beliefs change. Our thoughts follow and then our behavior.
God’s Word tells us He cares about every area and every detail of our lives. He has a purpose, and a mission planned out just for you. His Word was written so that you might believe in who He is and trust His purpose for you.
These memory verse cards on healing, fasting, and beliefs can be a helpful tool for this.
Clearly Define — Satisfied
An understanding of satisfaction gives an amazing perspective on life and our relationship with God.
Are you satisfied or content with what God has given you?
Are you satisfied with who and what God has made you to be?
A more abundant life is possible. Discover the joy and benefit of satisfaction in the video below and let’s become satisfied together.
Emotional and Mental
Health Training
When you want to get fit physically, the best way to ensure success is to have a plan. The same is true when you want to get fit mentally. Having a blueprint in place, with steps and guidance to achieve goals, is so important.
And when you are ready for this to happen sooner with less effort, it is time for a coach:
Inner Circle Group Coaching
Looking for a lasting breakthrough? All it takes is a helping hand – and someone who knows what you’re going through. Experience the power of support, help, and community within the Inner Circle, a place to find breakthrough and get set free – forever.
With our experienced coaches and weekly live calls, you can get the accountability and consistent support needed to break through in areas of PRAYER, BELIEFS, MINDSET, EATING, and more.
Here is a peek at some of what the Inner Circle offers:
Free Training Videos
Discover more help for your journey with these videos covering everything from overcoming depression, to beating stress and anxiety, exploring the mind-gut connection, and more.