How To Make Healthy Habits Stick

October 1, 2021

How to make healthy habits stick

We have so many people in the Inner Circle who are achieving new levels of success. It truly is a blessing to my heart. Here is one teaching that I would like to share with you that they have learned: making healthy habits stick.

I see this question on social media as well.

We want to eat better, we want to believe thoughts in agreement with God's Word - yet our old self keeps getting in the way.

Today I want to share the steps that will make the changes you desire stick and help you become the new you.

The skinny you, the healthy you, the no anxiety you.  That you.

1. Make a list of habits you would like to change for better.

  • Stop snacking in the evening after dinner.
  • Workout every day and don't skip.
  • Tell my spouse encouraging words every day.
  • Not fret with what is happening in the news.
  • Telling myself I can't lose weight.

These are examples to get you thinking.

2. Now list what would be a better replacement.

  • If I don't snack after dinner then I will lose that 5 pounds.
  • Working out will help me be toned and fit.
  • As I encourage my spouse he/she will feel more loved.
  • The news is not the final authority - God is, I will trust in Him.
  • I know as I learn to change my thoughts the weight will go away.

The idea of changing the list to a better replacement is the easy part. Now comes the work.

3. Attach a tangible or action to the new thought/belief.

  • When I am finished with dinner, I am going to exercise instead of thinking about food while sitting on the couch.
    ACTION - Change the pattern of behavior to change the habit of thought.
  • Setting a reminder on the phone for each daily workout.
    ACTION - The phone reminder will help reinforce a new habit. When you go to turn off the phone alarm - step into the action of the workout.
  • Find a time in your day where walking by a particular place in the house or when making breakfast - say one word that would encourage your spouse.  
    ACTION - Making smoothies in the morning together - say 'you are the smoothie in my life'. Ok, I know that sounds corny but the truth is - take an action  you already do everyday and attach a new thought to go with it.

    If there is a time in the day that brings to mind the negative thoughts about your spouse - then take that time to change the pattern of action such as walking past a picture you hate - and change the picture of one you like and every time you see it ask yourself what is one word you could speak to encourage your spouse?
  • When the TV news is making you anxious then limit the amount of time you spend listening to you. I guarantee if something important happens you will not be left in the dark.

And trusting God is utmost important.

So when the news is on and you are in the room - go somewhere else and find a new habit or hobby. Of if you are the one watching it - change the channel.
ACTION - Make an obvious change in location or station to get the news off the TV or internet in front of you. Then repeat this new action till you have a solid new habit.

Weight - Our thoughts determine our behavior. Is there a time of day you criticize your weight or health?
What else is happening during that time? Find one simple change to make at that precise time to create a new habit and reinforce it with a new thought.
ACTION - When I wake up each day I will say how great it is to live in a healthy toned body.  The action is waking up and making this the first statement to yourself.

I look forward to hearing from you and how this simple plan helps you start seeing new successes in your life.

This works for all areas: family, health, careers...

Remember each day we get to choose how we will live.

We can live renewed like the eagles or in agony of all that is happening around us.

Stay encouraged - God is on the throne and He is victorious - in your life and all around you.

  • Thank so much for the health information I am so pleased that I got this health program. it has been a battle with my health since I was a baby I had sickle cell anaemia, I have had this all my live but I was healed from this last year i had an emergency operation and now have a stoma
    I also had colon cancer I have just finished chemotherapy I am not sure how to balance all this I am now over 70yrs now I stumbled on your website which I started to learn but I need help on what to eat through all this God is Awesome

  • Thank you so much I praise God for you and your ministry. My husband and I are in our 60’s and we have been living in bad health. We are so ready to change our lives so we can have energy and stamina so play with our grandkids and great grand-babies.

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