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for Total Wellness
If you are ready to be happy and healthy-then it starts in the gut and the brain - TOGETHER!
Now that we know our mental wellness depends on our gut health and our gut health relies on our mental wellness,
it is time to address both!
Supplements are not new, yet the idea of mental wellness combined with gut health is.
That is why most of the supplements I choose are addressing these three areas: gut, vagus nerve and the brain.
All diseases start in the gut and the gut is influenced by our mind/brain.
When we nourish both, we start a healing process that extends to all areas of our body: physically, emotionally and mentally
Proven and Pure - What goes in the gut affects our brain and our heart. When you are ready for Just Right days, then this is where I started.
I was looking for my day to feel - just right! When I found the Fundamentals and took them daily for 3 months - a switch happened in my brain - and that is when I felt - Just Right!
Right mentally, which then related to just right in my career and relationships
Two ways to start:
Fundamentals or
"My dad is smiling again!" JD
Vita GBX - Multi vitamins are on shelves and sites everywhere. Vita GBX is unique - it delivers the necessary biotics and enzymes to work quickly.
"I really noticed a difference with Amare Vita GBX." MD
Omega - balanced for better brain health.
Probiotics - feed your gut for better immunity.
Nourish The Gut
When the gut is sweet-talking to the brain - life is good.
Products to get that sweet talk going:
Restore -perfect blend: enzymes, biotics & liver/kidney nutrients. Take with each meal to get started.
"Wow, my body is moving again! I lost 4 pounds the first week!" JS
Kids Mental Wellness
Give your kids the opportunity to love how they feel and NEVER any side effects!
"I love how both kids are able to do math without complaining!" KE
Mental Edge
This is my afternoon edge drink. It helps the mind focus and have motivation to complete that tasks with less interruptions.