Biblical Nutrition Online Store

Treasures of Healthy Living

(10 customer reviews)



Treasures of Healthy Living Bible Study will guide you through Scripture to uncover for yourself a new craving for really good food and really good health.

10 reviews for Treasures of Healthy Living

  1. Vicky Roos

    I bought this book via TakeAlot and it is so insightful and helpful that I look forward to spending time in the book and in God’s Word every day! I love how I can make verses practical and personal by writing them out as I understand them. Sooo much to learn! Thank you!

  2. Elizabeth Cain

    I read this book myself and then bought more copies for my children. We used it as a health class for our homeschool. With all the conflicting nutrition advice, it’s wonderful to learn what God actually says about food in his word.

  3. Teresa

    This Bible study has changed my whole way of praying and thinking about food. It’s transforming my soul, mind and body. I’m so thankful I found The Biblical Nutritionist and would love to share this with my church family!

  4. Elizabeth Nieves

    The Treasures of Healthy Living book is awesome! 3 years ago I learned “healthy keto” which promotes eating 7-10 cups cruciferous veggies a day, low sugars, and 4 oz of meat/day + a lot of supplements, and IF. By doing that I helped my hormones rebalance enough to stop constantly bleeding for months, have a normal period, and I got pregnant after 2 years of trying. I also lost 20 lbs. it was hard though because no one else ate that way and if I messed up I was out of ketosis and had to work hard for 3-4 days to get back in. My husband enjoyed all the meat and stuff, but overall it was expensive and hard to maintain. Then I tried the vegan plant based diet and that didn’t taste very good and was really hard to keep up with. My husband didn’t enjoy it either. Finally, while breastfeeding and after 2 babies I’m following what Anette teaches in this book. I’ve lost about 10 more lbs since starting this book. The chapters on self-control, temptation, sugar, and fasting really spoke to me. I’m finding myself thanking the Lord for red grapes which rebuild our cells at the DNA level, honey, learning it’s okay to have some bread again, fruit, and grains because it is good as long as it is close to the way God made it and not processed. What she teaches here is like a grand combination of all I learned from keto, plant based vegan, regular healthy people, and with more info and with God’s touch! That makes it the best and worth the time to read. This book has also served as sort of a daily Bible study for me. I hope whoever buys this books will find the clarity they are looking for, good facts, and most importantly God’s love. You just looking into this is God leading you to some special blessings He has waiting for you which He keeps in a special room in Heaven. ;-P all you have to do is ask. Reading this book will save you a lot of headache and time—don’t hesitate and buy the book.

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