Today I want to share with you my recipe for the Promised Land Salad! This delightful dish includes all 7 foods from Scripture!
7 Perfect Foods for Excellent Health
Eating these 7 foods nourishes and protects every system and every cell in the body.
When cells take in whole foods such as those listed here, they automatically respond giving you increased energy and clarity of mind, improving your ability to function.
In fact, our cells recognize God’s goodness even before we can say, “Thank you, God.”
The Israelites didn’t have microscopes, or diagnostic equipment – they had no means of knowing the flavors of His grace would benefit their bodies in such fulfilling ways.
God wanted them to trust Him, not go elsewhere for their deliverance and their delight.
No other foods – altered and imitation foods such as we have today – can deliver the nutritional blessings as what God designed for us.
He prepared the Israelites hearts, minds, and taste buds to experience His grace as they followed his commandments. The flavor of grace satisfies.
This is true for us today. He wants us to be satisfied in Him and His commandments and therefore delight in His grace. His grace includes delicious foods.

Promised Land Salad
- 3 Cups Cooked Barley optional Israeli Couscous
- ¼ Cup Chopped Figs
- ¼ Cup Pitted & Chopped Dates
- ¼ Cup Halved Grapes
- ¼ Cup Pomegranate Seeds
- ¼ Cup Olive Oil
- 2 Teaspoons Honey
- 2 Teaspoons Red Wine Vinegar optional Pomegranate Vinegar
- 1 Teaspoon Honey Mustard
- ¼ Cup Wheat or Barley Cereal for a crunch
- 2 Tablespoons Parsley
- Combine barley, figs, dates, grapes, pomegranate seeds in a large bowl.
- Place oil, honey, vinegar, and mustard in a separate bowl - whisk together.
- Toss the salad with the vinegar dressing to coat. There may be more than you need or you may love a lot of flavor from the dressing.
- Add salt and pepper to taste - if you need any.
- Just before serving add cereal and toss to distribute.
- Garnish with fresh chopped parsley.
- Serve on a bed of bright greens!
Happt New Year Annette, came across your Promise land Recipe last night and made it for our ladies small group dinner
. Thank you, everyone love it❤️
That is lovely!
I do not mean to critize but I have food allergies to wheat barley and most dairy and many other things, how to I substitute what I can have for these things
This is common due to what has happened in our environment and food. It is best to avoid all allergy foods. If this is proven allergy, then just make the salad with what you can eat and enjoy. If it is a food sensitivity, then heal the gut and then enjoy in 6 months.
Thank You for taking the work out of being a healthy Bible-based Christian and making being a healthy Christian fun, in Jesus name, for we are not saved by works and works alone but by faith.
I honestly love this recipe. All though, I have not tried it!
I really like cooking and I think cooking biblical foods will be a great choice. The Bible does say that whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him (Colossians 3:17).