Are you ready to discover ~ the Treasures of Health?
God Created You to Live a Long and Vibrant Life
Over the next 13 Weeks all of the "modern" health noise will silenced and you will discover the treasures of an abundant life God has made available! You will finally be able to live a biblically based ~ nutritionally healthy life.
No More Roller Coaster Dieting and Chasing the "New" way to health!
The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Isaiah 58:11
These words - guide you, satisfy you, strengthen you and never fail - it is like summarizing the entire Bible in how God is who He says he is. He is the Lord who heals you.
Meet Annette Reeder
There was a day when getting out of bed was not my desire at all. I just wanted to roll over and pretend my life was different.
I was tired – fat – ugly – and depressed.
One day my husband came home from work and found me plopped on the floor.
I knew I was in trouble but I was too tired to get up and too depressed to care. This wasn’t how I saw my life playing out.

Many years earlier - I can still remember every detail: our week at youth camp was quickly coming to an end and it was our final worship service. And this night, we are on the cool green grass along the shore of a peaceful lake nestled in the Ozark hills.
We were singing the final song “Something Beautiful” – and I knew my heart was going to burst with joy as I could feel for the first time in my life the Holy Spirit all around me.
I felt peace, comfort and love. At the age of 15 I knew Life going forward was going to be like this every single day. He was going to make something beautiful of my life.
Fast forward 20 years, reality not only hit it crashed! I was a wife, mother of two, working, homeschooling my kids, teaching Sunday School, who strove tirelessly to keep up. I felt overwhelmed, tired, depressed, stressed, fat, tired, worn out and tired. Did I say I was tired?
What happened to kumbayah and something beautiful?
It was like looking for that missing sock in the laundry – it vanished.
In fact, in my marriage, I was ready to quit. As a mother, I was ready to give up. As a dieter, I was ready for chocolate and lots of it.
Then on an autumn day when the leaves were crisp along the road I was driving to town for groceries. My kids were in the back seat of our Escort wagon when the quietness of the car ride was interrupted when my 8 yr old son Brent leaned forward and asked innocently enough –
“Mom – why don’t you smile anymore?”
That question stunned me into reality.
Something beautiful? Not at all. I needed change. Big change. The lies of the enemy weighed me down.
Then the next crises came - without asking permission– CANCER took root in our family.
Nothing prepares you for this diagnosis. Some cancers are easier to talk about than others.
How did this happen? What was I doing wrong as the caretaker of my family?
Where are the answers?
I started vigorously searching for answers. Spiritual, physical, and emotional answers. Caught up in the winds of advice, blowing me from one expert to another.
How can a four letter word, F O O D, be so confusing?

In our culture, food is confusing, but it wasn’t meant to be.
I knew food from the RDA: the recommended daily allowances. But I needed food from the Bible’s PLT—from the Lord’s proven longtime truth
And truth what I discovered. Wonderful truths!
The biblical recipes I eagerly learned included ingredients for
- God’s plan for my body;
- God’s design in my food;
- God’s love and acceptance of me.
Truth will help you get rid of the spiritual enemy’s lies. Lies of who I thought I was, what I thought I looked like, and what I could do.
These lies felt like weights: weights of depression, guilt, loneliness, unworthiness, and shame.
I even wore the weight of ignorance. I was ignorant of my identity in Christ, and ignorant of how His love includes healing foods.
With a new recipe of grace, I started removing the spiritual hindrances and physical weights from my soul and body.
You can too.
God’s Word Provides Balance for Healthy Living

The Treasures of Healthy Living Bible Study, Treasures of Health Nutrition Manual, Healthy Treasures Cookbook, and Treasures Online are designed to be a balanced approach to improved health and better understanding of God’s provision.
The balance comes from understanding God’s Word, applying modern scientific studies, and preparing satisfying meals. If we separate the equation we will be unbalanced; all three are necessary to balance the body, mind, and spirit.
Each week will bring you closer to understanding God’s life balance, closer to understanding God's design of our bodies and how the food He gave us fits perfectly into that design. We are truly blessed.
Treasures Online is an in-depth discovery of God's plan for optimal Health and Vitality
- More complete than college - this combines; Biblical study, Nutrition 101, Nutrition 201 and Life Application.
- Abounding with Scriptural References and the plan to implement it
- Grace and Freedom Based
- Filled with Scientific explanations and research
- Cooking Lessons
- Work Out Lessons
- Healthy Beverages
- Health from God's Grains - Yes, all grains, good, bad and delicious!
- Vegetables, Herbs and Spices, Meats, Fasting, Self Control and more
God’s word is holistic, that is why we can not leave out His conversations about stress, forgiveness, exercise, toxins, the mind, and the Fullness of Christ.
Change Your Life Forever in 13-Weeks
- 13 weekly instruction videos
- Lessons on MP3 for on the go listening
- Grocery Shopping Lists
- Weekly Checklists
- Bible Studies
+ 3 Full E-books

Treasures of Healthy Living Bible Study
(A Through-The-Bible Treasure Hunt Unveiling God's Ultimate Plan for Your Health)

Treasures of Health Nutrition Manual
(362 pages to discover the answers to all your health questions. Who doesn't need supplements? What is alfalfa? How to fix allergies naturally and more.)

Healthy Treasures Cookbook
(283 pages of Fabulous Tasting Recipes and Healthy Cooking Tips)
Treasures Online doesn't only dive into healthy food, but also topics such as Forgiveness, Stress, Biblical Fasting, Finances and more that all affect your body's ability to receive nourishment.
This online course is great for:
- Creating a Personal Plan for Your Family's Health
- Church or Friends Group Study
- Homeschooling Families or Classrooms (Teachers Manual Available)

Discover the Treasures of Biblical Health
13 Week Bible Studies and Health Course
Discover how to live a Biblically Based
nutritionally healthy lifestyle
You Can Not Even Believe the Vast Amount of Goodness that is Included in this Online Course!
How Does it work?
- Sign up for this valuable course.
- Instructions will be sent to access all the incredible content to your email address.
Miss a week - the videos and audios will be available to come back to when you have the time! Very simple!
What Others Are Saying
I can say so much about the Treasures Online Bible Study course but may not be able to offer justice to its immense value. It is the most complete Bible study program I have experienced to date.
What do I love most about Treasures Online? All the videos made me feel like I had a personal biblical nutritional coach beside me the through the whole journey. Annette is passionate about staying current on all the latest diets and fads, and she keeps her students up to date and encouraged through these waves of change. The guest speakers and teachers on some of the videos are an added treat. Never does this course feel like a journey I am traveling alone.
The information and resources in the course are relevant, up to date, accurate, and BIBLICAL! I feel like my whole person is nurtured through this study course, physically and spiritually. I care deeply about what God has to say about every area of life and this course covers it all – nutrition, emotional health, forgiveness, relationships – everything.
This course is enduring. I am so thankful to have lifetime access to it. I always catch something new and relevant when I review the course or start it over from the beginning. This course has been a blessing that will last a lifetime!
The Treasures Online Course is amazing and was an answer to prayer! I have struggled with being overweight most of my life and just felt tired all of the time. I have tried many diets and health fads but nothing seemed to work, but this course was the turning point in my journey to better health. The bible study is very personal. The videos make you feel like you are right there with Annette as she takes you through the steps to healthy living. The bible study helped me finally understand God's wonderful plan for me to be healthy and vibrant. The health manual was a wealth of information and I still use it often. The Healthy Treasures Cookbook has become my favorite cookbook that I use it all the time to make healthy meals for my family. I am so thankful that I found this course and would highly recommend it to anyone who is ready to begin their journey to better health.
Treasures of Healthy Living is so much more than a well-founded approach to healthy eating, it includes relevant life principles, scientific research and important Biblical insight that make it far more than a two-dimensional attempt at finding the right diet. We need more than instruction, we need help and Annette points us to the best Source.