Books for Self Improvement – 11 Must Reads for Summer 2020

Annette Reeder

Books for Self Improvement – 11 Must Reads for Summer 2020

books for self improvement

Summer 2020 has arrived with a vengeance. Now more than ever we are in need of wisdom. This list of 11 books for self improvement focuses on spiritual growth and physical health. These books can change our world from the inside out.

These books for self improvement in the areas of spirituality and physical health will assist with what’s important. In fact, they’ll help you get:

  • Armed

  • Nourished

  • Healthy

  • On mission.

Don’t let the time pass while you remain unchanged. Are you ready to take who you are and become a better version of yourself?

If so, look for these 11 books for self improvement and spiritually this summer. They’ll make you wonder how people live without them.

Summer 2020 Must-Read Books for Self Improvement

summer 2020 must reads

Tony Evans – Victory in Spiritual Warfare: Outfitting Yourself for the Battle

One of the benefits of COVID and not being under the teaching of my regular pastor is that I have truly been blessed with the teachings of Tony Evans. He has a way to bring to light what’s needed for today in a way that I can start implementing immediately. Furthermore, his insight is refreshing and inspiring.

The devil knows you.

He knows how to distract you from the goodness of God.

Moreover, he’ll get you to complain about what you think you’re missing: the career, the relationship, the health, the money.

We can no longer allow our lives to be controlled by these thoughts.

In this book,

Tony Evans unpacks the ways in which we can properly fight the battle against our sinful strongholds.

And win.

Through his chapters, he examines how we can truly be “anxious for nothing” as God commands us (Phil. 4:6).

First, it starts in our minds. Then grows to our world.

We can’t start a summer focusing on our physical set-backs without also addressing our spiritual ones.

Look for this book to unpack the truth. Begin to see life less as a losing-battle and more as a victorious encounter.


Carol Graham – Praying for Miracles

Do you know how to pray for miracles?

I met Carol at an Advanced Writers and Speakers Conference. I knew right away she has seen God do miracles. Many people try to impress others while other people like Carol prefer to impress upon God. She has a way of helping you see God at work in your very own life.

You shook your fist at God, or perhaps tears wet your pillow night after night.

But still, no answer.

Consequently, many engage in this exhausting effort, wondering if God will ever answer, whether He’s listening or if He even cares.

Is there a secret on the effective way to pray?

No secret, but rather, a sure path to present petitions, to declare what is true and proclaim God’s word that already states the outcome.

Through this course, author and speaker Carol Graham presents real life stories to illustrate the powerful way in which God showcases His miracles.

Have you ever desired to be a powerful prayer person?

Indeed, many Christians do not know how to pray the answer according to God’s word.

Let’s look toward a bright spiritual journey together.

Annette Reeder – Treasures of Healthy Living Bible Study

treasures of healthy living

The bible is a cookbook.

Yes, I wanted to add my own book here because we are in a time period where health is essential, yet the world keeps changing the rules for eating. Our followers have increased by the thousands, but there are many who aren’t aware of this tremendous book. However, the bible is full of timeless teachings useful for every family to begin today.

You already use it as a guide to your spiritual growth, don’t let His word stop there. Best of all, when we read the bible, truth seeps into every aspect of our lives.

Foods used in Scripture are for purposes of teaching and heath.

Don’t settle for part of the truth. Get the nutritional value as well as the story of love, justice, and mercy the Lord weaves through His word.

Enjoy exploring self-improvement through the lens of biblical health.

Do it with a friend, in a bible study, or on your own.

In conclusion, don’t regret missing what the Bible is saying about physical health.

The pages that make up Treasures of Healthy Living are from my own research, time, and study on the ways the Bible teaches us about our own bodies.

Let’s enjoy our spiritual journey and our food.

Dallas Willard -Hearing God

I discovered Dallas Willard from the recommendation of my marketing partner. Since this discovery I have been seated with my Bible and His books for an eye-opening look at who I am and how Christ dwells in me. I hope you don’t miss this book!

I’ve heard from God, have you?

Is listening to God confusing?



Communication with our Creator is crucial to peace. We have no problem with the talking part.

However, we tend to have a hard time with the listening part.

Willard expands on his ideas about how to look for God’s answers. Therefore, this is a personal favorite of mine. I’ve slowly worked my way through this book in order to get the best truth.

In addition, bringing out the Bible while reading and studying what Willard discusses will help enhance and personalize the lessons. Bringing it before the Lord while praying through the study will also transform us.

You can hear God, too. It just takes practice.

This summer, learn to communicate with the One who matters most.

Francine Rivers – Redeeming Love

Whoever said books for spirituality had to be non-fiction? Certainly not anyone who’s read this page-turner.

During the summer, I will sit on the beach any day and read any of Rivers books. Makes for me a perfect day!

Rivers shows that Gospel Truths are true in all the world–whether it’s the Summer of 2020 or the California Gold Rush.

This novel is about a prostitute, named Angel, whose life is forever changed by a loving man–Michael Hosea. He obeys the Lord’s call on his life to love her unconditionally.

Nevertheless, this new love isn’t easy for Angel.

She wrestles with the new emotions and fears that come when Hosea refuses to betray her like everyone else had.

Many of us can, of course, relate.

All of us can look for powerful truths in this story.

And find them.

Moreover, pairing Redeeming Love with the book of Hosea helps us to understand God’s love for us to much greater depths.

Dr. Ed Nauman and Shiela Moorthy – Spice for Life

Want some more spice to your life? Then look no further for the best cookbook to spice up your routine.

There’s a reason many people in cults worship spices and herbs–their healing properties seem magical.

But instead of being magic, spices are practical ways to add flavorful health benefits into your cooking.

If spices like turmeric and coriander, for example, are scary, learn to master them here.

Not only can cooking with these spices help you lose weight, they can also make your skin glow, boost your immune system, and energize your body. All while impressing the family with new flavorful meals to make.

Check out this book for a summer of new recipes, new health benefits, and a new you.


books to read

Tina Yeager – Beautiful Warrior

Insecurity can seem impossible to break away from.

If you feel trapped in your thought patterns that bring you back to the same, dark place you always return to, Say No More with Tina Yeager’s Beautiful Warrior.

Through this book, Yeager teaches people to transform their mind and find identity in Christ Jesus.

Without our identity properly placed in Christ, we cannot expect to have a healthy perspective on ourselves: our minds, our bodies, or our eating habits.

Not only does Yeager provide a biblical perspective on self-esteem, she also gives readers therapeutic tips and tricks to re-train our brains.

If the lies feel like they’re stacking up against you, look for this book and see what it has to say about becoming a warrior in life.

Tina is another new friend with a desire to help others. This book is a must read for anyone who needs help or for those who want to understand how to help others.

America’s Test Kitchen – Instant Pot for Mediterranean cooking

Let’s face it: it’s easy to get in a cooking rut.

When you find yourself wanting to change eating habits, trying new recipes can be a daunting task. Have no fear, the Instant Pot for Mediterranean Cooking is here!

This cookbook isn’t a book about spirituality, but our spiritual health is impacted by our physical health. Let’s have some fun taking care of ourselves this summer.

Mediterranean cooking is one of my favorites. The health benefits are incredible and the flavor is outstanding.

If you’re an Instant Pot beginner or even a pro, this cookbook will walk you through new delicious recipes.

Want to be a little bit more adventurous? Try this book.

How about a lot more adventurous? Try this book.

Your tastebuds will travel the world and never be the same.

That’s a promise.

books to read in summer

Priscilla Schirer – Discerning the Voice of God 

You may notice a theme for this year’s list of spiritual books: listening to God.

We live in a noisy world – online and in our mind.

Discerning the Voice of God is written by a woman who understands the noise. She has learned the difference between the voices around us and the voices within us.

I have a deep love and respect for Prisciala Schrier. She has an incredible gift of writing and speaking that can challenge all of us in our faith.

This special expanded version includes the way that God has continued to teach her since the original publication.

Perfect for personal devotion or with other people, it also includes interactive teaching videos and leader tips in the back of the book.

Robert Morgan – Then Sings My Soul

Classic hymns aren’t just powerful because they’re catchy.

Well, they are catchy.

But primarily, they’re powerful because God was working. These hymns were written by men and women who experienced God in their lives and His power flows through their lyrics.

These are their stories of triumph, of victory, of blessing.

This book takes 150 of the greatest hymns and shares a devotion and history with each one.

You’ll feel encouraged and inspired, while humming all day long.

Never again will you sing these hymns without being reminded of God’s goodness in the lives of those who wrote them.

Summer 2020, take your worship deeper with one of the most inspiring books ever.

Dallas Willard – Renovation of the Heart

6 months ago, I was a different person.

Then I read this spiritual-help book.

It has helped me grow rich with wisdom.

Willard breaks down the Christian life into 6 areas:

  1. Thought
  2. Feeling
  3. Will
  4. Body
  5. Social-Context
  6. Soul

He challenges us to find transformation in all these areas, not just one. This is how we find harmony with God’s design.


We could all use some more of that in life.

When everything feels off-balance, it’s easy to be complacent and accept the chaos. Don’t settle! There is transformation waiting.

Accept the challenge in this spiritual book and take a step forward in your faith.

Here is a video on this topic to learn more about my recommended books to read for self improvement:

If you would rather listen to the video content, here is a podcast episode on this topic. Please give it a listen, download it, and share it with your friends!

How Do You Keep a Journal of Books for Self Improvement You’ve Read?

While reading or when you finish reading, write down in a journal the three takeaways from each of the books for self improvement.  I always love what I discover in books but months later I forget the truths and applications. Having a journal to record these three truths or take-aways will make it simple to always remember and apply.

Even tell friends about the books you’re reading! If something made an impact on you, it can also help those you love.

By writing it down and telling our friends, we can make sure the truth sinks deep in our lives.

By Fall 2020, you could look back and be so thankful for the pages that filled your life with joy and wisdom.

Take that first step towards a brighter future by picking up one of these books and diving into His plan for you.

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