Designed Healthy Living

Are you ready to reap the rewards of your hard work and enter retirement years?
This is the time to slow down, enjoy the pleasures in life, and live life to the fullest!
Unfortunately, not many people are able to reach their dreams of having an enjoyable retirement…
Their health, at this point, are not at its best, so they are missing out. Seniors who have a failing health do not get the chance to live out their retirement years with energy, vitality, pleasure, and joy.
But this does not have to be your story.
The choices you make today, the choices you make in your younger years, will surely impact your 50’s, 60’s, 70’s.
Guess what? It is not too late to get started and put your health back on the right track!
Let’s go build healthy, new cells to start enjoying your life because you deserve it!
Cells Reborn - Yes, It IS Possible!
There are millions of cells in our bodies.
These cells tell your body how to carry out every single function it performs.
But as we age, these cells die and end up being damaged. This makes you more susceptible to diseases and infections.
This is why you need to build your immune system to start giving your body the defense it needs to fight these ailments.
You can make a difference to start working towards your health and there are only THREE steps to make this happen.
Begin strengthening your immune system, so you can have a fruitful, happy, and meaningful senior year!
Step One – Have A Good Foundation

Did you know that more than 80% of all ailments are linked with poor diet and lifestyle?
This is good news for you because these things are completely within your control.
You have heard people giving you suggestions before but today, you can start going towards what works for you.
Follow a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, as well as nuts and seeds that can build your immune system. This is how you can control your diet and enjoy your later years.
According to the USDA, you need to consume 2 to 3 times of the recommended servings for fruits and vegetables.
While this may not seem too practical for many people, the lead researcher at the
University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Bruce Ames, stated that “More than fifty genetic diseases could be successfully treated with by megavitamins therapy and because aging involves biochemical deficiencies, megavitamins may help perk up an increasingly older population”.
In this case, you need to start supplementing your body with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
The first part of a good foundation is to start taking a multi-vitamin that is formulated for seniors.
The megavitamins stated in the study was a good multivitamin.
In the same year, the Harvard Medical School recommended that everyone must take a multivitamin daily, regardless of their health status or age.
Dr. Dean Hamer, the US National Cancer Institute Chief of the Gene Structure and
Regulation stated that “An ounce of prevention is worth $20,000 of pharmaceuticals.”
What this means is that healthy men and women 65 years and above who take multivitamins experience a pronounced improvement in their problem-solving ability, memory, attention, and abstract thinking.
Dr. Chandra, from the Memorial University in Newfoundland, discovered that men and women have enhanced capacities to live well and independently without major disability, thanks to the vitamin and mineral they are taking.
Additionally, these multivitamins improved immunity.
Illnesses that are linked with infections occurred at less than 50 percent of the rate, as compared with the placebo.
Dr. Chandra additionally noted the cost effectiveness and convenience of taking nutritional supplement to prevent or even delay illness. Functional decline among the elderly was also prevented.
Dr. Chandra calculated that for every one dollar spent on buying the supplement, there is a savings of $28 in health care costs!
Thus, eating healthy and taking the right multivitamin will help you build the best foundation for enjoying your golden years in life.
Step Two – Taking Antioxidants

Antioxidants offer a shield that will protect your precious cells from damages.
While your body makes some of its own antioxidants, there are others that are needed in the diet.
This chart shows the different antioxidants including their benefits to the health, suggested dosage, possible side effects, and their deficiency symptoms.
vitamin | role | dosage | deficiency symptoms | side effects |
A | RDA – 3,000 IU for men | Over age 65 no more than 15,000 IU of vitamin A | ||
Beta Carotene | Those with: Protects against: | 20,000 – 50,000 IU | Beta-carotene is not an essential nutrient so it is not possible to develop a true deficiency. | May cause problems in people with liver and kidney disease although no solid studies have proven this. |
B Complex | A good B Complex with a minimum of 100% RDA for each one while some may have high levels. | Consult a doctor if taking anti-epileptic drugs | ||
Vitamin C | 1,000 – 2,000 mg. depending on need | No side effects, however large doses may reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill. | ||
Vitamin D | 1,000 IU – 5,000 IU | New studies show everyone is now deficient in vitamin D and should have their blood levels tested. | New studies show no side effects. | |
Vitamin E | 400 – 1,200 IU, only use the natural form: | Do not take with warfarin or aspirin. | ||
Co Q 10 | Benefits: | Up to 300 mg daily. More if working with a professional. | Should be taken with cholesterol lowering drugs. | |
Ginkgo | Average dose is 40-60 mg. | No toxicity. Not for pregnant women. | ||
Ginseng | An average dose is 100 mg. | Do not take Siberian ginseng. Use Panax ginseng instead. | ||
Res-veratrol | Depends greatly on product and purity. | None noted. |
Step Three - Increase Your Protein Intake

There are people who enjoy devouring a nice steak with their buttery mashed potatoes.
But there are much better protein sources that will help you during your senior years.
These protein sources include soy and whey. While these proteins function differently in your body, there are amazing results from these foods, particularly when you obtain these from reputable companies.
You will experience more stamina, an enhanced bone density, minimized risk of cardiovascular disease, and better muscle tone.
Your immune system will also become much stronger.
With a high-quality protein powder added to your smoothie, you can build your stamina, endurance, and enjoy the life you have always wanted.
Fewer calories are also necessary during your senior years, so you need to maintain a healthy weight while getting all the nutrients your body needs.
Conclusion – Dream, Live, Thrive!
Everyone has dreams of living a good life.
But the challenge is in what you do to your body each day.
If you want to become healthy and thrive, you need to care for your health.
So keep working towards your health, strive to live a better life, and you will enjoy your senior years without a doubt!
Information compiled from:
An Evidence Based Approach to Vitamin and Minerals, Dr. Jane Higdon, 2003 Thieme New York.
The New Anti-Aging Revolution, Dr. Ronald Klatz & Dr. Robert Goldman, 2003 Basic Health
Publications, NJ.
The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book, Dr. Shari Lieberman and Nancy Bruning, 2003 Penguin Group, New York.