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Fasting Memory Verse Cards



A collection of 18 beautiful memory verse cards to help you study what God’s Word says about fasting!
Fasting is a tool to forgo our natural desires of eating and take time to listen and learn from God.

This is a chance to download God’s Word not just on paper, but to download (memorize) it in your heart.

These verses are the perfect step to your personal physical and spiritual transformation!

FASTING is a beautiful discipline and a powerful tool for Christians. As you read each verse discover the meaning for you. Ask yourself why did God instruct us to fast, what does this mean for me?

Fasting is a tool to forgo our natural desires of eating and take time to listen and learn from God.

These verses will help you determine your fast, focus during a fast, and be encouraged from your fast.

In truth God cares about every area and every detail of your life. He has a purpose and a mission planned out just for you. His Words were written so that you might believe in who He is and your purpose.


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