Hi there - I'm Annette Reeder!
I wish we lived close by so we could enjoy a cup of tea together. This page is the next best thing! It's my way to say welcome and help you get acquainted with the best resources this ministry has to offer!
I started my journey feeling depressed and overweight. What I found was freedom eating God's way! Through it all I lost 60 pounds!
My heart's desire is to help people around the globe get food in its rightful place so life can be its fullest.
As you are set free from health challenges life will be transformed to bring glory to God and blessings to those around you.
I have helped thousands of people feel "good" again. They become who they knew God designed. Weight loss, marriages saved, kids no longer over wired, plus more!
Change Begins Right Here!
We all need a starting place! This FREE e-book will provide you with the tools to begin your journey towards healthy living!

Let me ask you: Are you ready to be healthy?
If so, there is no retreat! It is only moving forward to reach your goals and desires.
There are steps that are helpful in making lasting change. The first involves recognizing distractions that halt our progress.
In this foundational blog post I share 6 Distractions that Cause Us to Revert Back to Old Ways and 6 Ways to Stay on Target to Reach Your Health Goals!
Annette on Social Media
Is the sun enough?
It is vital to have your blood tested and to know your numbers! Protect your heart, bones, and cells by taking a good Vitamin D supplement.
Video Playlists on YouTube
I offer a variety of different video resources on YouTube! These playlists are a great start for newcomers!

Have you even gone to the grocery store and felt overwhelmed by all the choices? What foods help certain health problems? I guide you to good food in my Grocery Discovery videos!

In the 12 Days of Satisfied in Him and in Your Health I share short and simple tips that make health living achievable!
Feel confident in the kitchen!
God gave us a plan for healthy eating and it is delicious! Enjoy these tasty recipes that include foods from the Bible to enjoy today!
My Books and Bible Studies
Get all the help you need to reach abundant life! Take the next step in your journey to all that the Father has for you!

In these biblical health books you will learn the means and ways to walk according to God’s teaching that will not only enrich your body but most importantly, help you achieve spiritual development.

Say goodbye to boring meals! I have created a variety of books and e-cookbooks filled with recipes that use God's good foods! These are delicious and will have your family eager to come back to the table!
Ready to dig in deeper?
- Gain victory over your health and circumstances
- Break strongholds of addiction & finally experience being satisfied
- Step into the freedom physically and spiritually God designed you to live

The Biblical Nutritionist is an outreach of Designed Healthy Living, a 501c3 non profit for the sole purpose of sharing God’s message of salvation.
We do this through cooking videos, coaching and teaching about God’s love.
As people come to us to learn we then get the opportunity to build relationships that lead to sharing Christ's love and story of redemption.