7 Health Benefits of Oregano and How to Cook with It!

Annette Reeder

health benefits of oregano

Today, enjoy your Italian food more when you discover these 7 health benefits of oregano. Plus, I will share how to cook with it and enjoy it more!

Maybe you love Italian food. Pasta and pizza are perhaps favorites of yours and your loved ones. 

But what makes Italian food so delicious?


Not only does it add delicious flavor to your favorite meals, it also helps your body heal! 

Keep reading to find the 7 health benefits of oregano oil, as well as the herb itself, and how to cook with it. 

Did you know that most of the world’s oregano isn’t grown in Italy like we think? It’s grown in Turkey! 

But you don’t have to get yours all the way from Turkey, or even all the way from the grocery store. 

My favorite part about this fabulous herb is that it’s so easy to grow in your backyard. It takes about 10 steps outside for me to snip this aromatic fresh herb to flavor my cooking or tea.

It’s a great addition to your regular garden, your already established herb garden, or maybe the first plant of the herb garden you’re getting ready to establish (indoors or outdoors!).

Of all the herbs I try to grow, this is the simplest. Plant once and enjoy for 10 years!

7 Health Benefits of Oregano

7 health benefits of oregano

We know gut-healing foods include fruits and vegetables. But God created healing foods in all shapes and sizes, and many herbs also fit in this category. 

When we add oregano leaves or oregano oil to our meals, we’re adding tiny little powerhouses that help to remove toxins inside our body. 

Oregano is a super herb! 

Here are the 7 Health Benefits of Oregano:

1 – Anti-Bacterial

Oregano is best known for its antibacterial properties – this means it may help stop the growth of bacteria in your body. 

What we may not understand is we have bacteria introduced into our body often, yet when we use these fresh herbs – we get the God designed benefits! 

This amazing herb has been found to be more effective against giardia than prescriptions. It’s used around the world to treat staph infection and the very common Pseudomonas.

Oregano may also kill food poisoning bacteria such as e coli or salmonella listeria. Also, a combination of oregano and cranberry extract helps to kill h- pylori bacteria.

2 – Anti-Inflammatory

You may notice on the Grocery Discovery – most of the plants God designed for us are anti-inflammatory. This herb also fits in this category.

God designed food to be good for our bodies, it’s part of how He heals us. Isn’t it wonderful how many resources He’s given us to help heal our bodies?

Oregano is known for helping with digestion and even decreasing the symptoms of colitis, which is caused by inflammation in the digestive system. 

3 – Wound-Healing

Not only is it good for our bodies, but oregano essential oil may even have wound-healing properties that may be found in many skin care products. 

4 – Antioxidant


You might think of fruits or vegetables being full of antioxidants, and you’d be right. But did you know that this incredible herb contains significantly more antioxidants than apples, oranges, or blueberries?

That means you can get antioxidants while eating a delicious Italian dinner! 

This powerful herb is also very helpful in helping to heal upper respiratory disorders. According to Lung Institute, it works as a natural decongestant and antihistamine.

These antioxidants may help prevent cell damage, and are especially useful in keeping the immune systems healthy. You never know when the next pandemic will hit. Don’t let your immune system be a step behind. Start boosting it today!

5 – Anti-Cancer

In 2013, researchers found that this remarkable herb may help prevent and treat breast cancer by slowing its progress.

It seems unbelievable, but the Lord created food to benefit us and our health way beyond flavor. 

Now, I’m not comparing the benefits of herbs to medical treatment like chemotherapy. The Lord works in many ways, and sometimes He works through doctors and medicine!

But, by eating herbs like oregano and staying healthy, you can use the natural food the Lord gave us to do everything possible to build immunity. 

6 – Antiviral

Yes, you read that right. Oregano leaves and oil have been shown to be antiviral.

Studies in the lab found evidence of its effectiveness against human norovirus

The property of oregano that makes this possible is something called carcavol, which the studies observed when used to treat a virus. 

The researchers found that oregano essential oil is effective when used against human norovirus after only one hour of exposure.

Who knows if in the future it will be proven to help treat more than just norovirus. With its amazing list of powers, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were many more. 

Speaking of powers… Check out this video on the health benefits of oregano to learn more about what this herb does for your body!

[responsive_video type=’youtube’ hide_related=’1′ hide_logo=’0′ hide_controls=’0′ hide_title=’1′ hide_fullscreen=’0′ autoplay=’0′]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi8oRN1hoV0&t=1s[/responsive_video]

7 – Anti-Parasite

You may be thinking, “I don’t have any parasites!” But that may not be true. 

Parasites may cause common symptoms like constipation, gas, or even bloody stools. 

It’s best to not be worried about having a parasite but eat oregano regularly so you’re safe either way.

Oregano has very powerful compounds that destroy parasites naturally, and you might not even have to know about it. You’ll just feel the amazing effects. 

Cooking With Oregano 

cooking with oregano

Oregano is a commonly used herb for bone broth, soups, stews, and sauces. If you don’t know what your soup is missing, it’s probably oregano. 

It’s also popular in red sauces common in those great Italian dishes we all love and even adds flavor to a good white sauce. 

The most important point about cooking with oregano is the oils need to be released. Without the oregano oil, there is color in the food but no benefits to your health.

Chop or crush the oregano to release the essential oil (tip: if you can smell the oregano, it means the oils are released). 

Don’t know when to use oregano? When a recipe calls for garlic, parsley, basil, thyme, garlic, or onion you can also throw in some oregano!

Here in Virginia, the winter is pretty mild, which means I can enjoy fresh oregano most of the year. If where you live is colder in the winter months, try drying your oregano and storing it for later use. 

But here’s the catch–look out for clumps of dried oregano. This means there might be mold and it’s no longer good for you! If it sprinkles like salt, it’s great to use. 

If your thumb isn’t exactly green, no worries. Most stores carry organic dried oregano that’s a good runner-up to the real deal. 

Check the dates on the spices in your pantry. Are they older than 6 months? It’s time to toss them out. I know we all have those spices that we’ve had for years and only used once. Let’s do some spice cleaning, no matter what time of the year it is.

Ways to Enjoy Oregano

ways to enjoy oregano

Oregano is so delicious that you can enjoy it in so many different ways.

In fact, you don’t even need to cook a meal to enjoy the benefits. I love to pull off a leaf from my plant and start chewing it like gum! It releases the oregano essential oil and flavor and reminds me of God’s goodness.

Since this terrific herb is so full of benefits, it follows that oregano oil benefits are the same.

The best things in life are simple, and oregano oil is no exception. Oil of oregano benefits are just as fabulous as those experienced by using the leaves.

Another simple way to boost your health with oregano oil is to make tea. Especially if you’re having trouble with a sore throat, cough, nausea, upset stomach, IBS, or bloating. Tea with the oil or leaf of oregano may help with these symptoms and bring you some peace.

Tea Recipe:

  • 1 cup of filtered water, bring to a boil Add 2 T of fresh oregano 
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


Other Recipes with Oregano

Pesto –In your favorite pesto recipe use 1 cup basil, 1 cup parsley and 1 cup oregano – that will bring a new freshness to your pesto and be the talk of the party. Fresh is beyond best. It’s a culinary extraordinaire.

Salad Dressings – Crush some oregano and add to your favorite homemade recipe, great for an Italian dressing or any vinaigrette.

Tuna Salad – Needed more flavor for your favorite lunch? Add some minced oregano to your tuna salad and enjoy some freshness to a classic. 

Salmon Patties – When cooking your salmon, the last thing you want is for it to be flavorless. Add some oregano to bring out the flavors that will wow your family (and yourself!). 

Beyond Food

beyond food

Some other ways to enjoy the health benefits of oregano are to use oregano essential oil or emulsified oil. 

This won’t be as good as fresh oregano oil, but it’s a good way to get some of the benefits. 

For emulsified oregano oil, only 600 mg per twice daily for adults and 100 mg per day for children. 

For regular oregano oil, use 3 drops twice a day in water or coconut oil. Remember not to do this for longer than 10 days, though. 

The Take-Aways

Remember this: add more spice to your life!

If you start growing your own herbs, you can enjoy their freshness for much longer. You’ll have something special to add to your meals. 

Praise the Lord for the good things He has given us. It’s not the herbs that do the healing, but the Lord! He works through the goodness He’s given us. 

Meditate on Exodus 15:26 to remember that the Lord is the One who heals, and we can enjoy the delicious food He’s given us!

  1. This was so interesting and informative! I am looking forward to the quiche and cheese cake . Thank you!

    Looking into an herb garden indoors.

  2. Dear Annette, I saw that you had oregano tea and I have one small question regarding it. I don’t want this to sound silly because we do eat oregano but do you strain the leaves before you pour it in your teacup?

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