With the number of Christian weight loss programs available, it may cause you to ask: Does your weight matter to God?
It does. Yet, the motive for losing weight is more important to God than the number of pounds you want to lose.
Ask why you want to lose weight. Why have you been searching for so long and still not able to make it happen? Is it to...
- have others admire you
- look good in a swimsuit
- feel better when thin
- have a better self image
- glorify God
Eating in a disciplined manner, which enables weight loss, honors the Lord. He’s glorified in the daily choices we make to turn away from gratifying the body by overeating or eating harmful foods.
God’s Word is abundant in verses about eating and living healthy! I was amazed when I searched Scripture for verses about food and eating.
The Lord desires for us to live an abundant, vibrant life, which is only possible when we learn from His Word and live by His principles.
This is true in so many areas, including our health. Which is where Christian weight loss programs enter the picture.
These Christians diets are designed to help you succeed.
In this article:
- Top Faith-Based Weight Loss Programs
- Best Free Christian Weight Loss Programs
- Top Christian Weight Loss Programs with Accountability
- Best Christian Weight Loss Online Courses
Let’s weigh in.
Top Faith-Based Weight Loss Programs
1. Bod4God
One important truth that is highly emphasized in this Bible diet program is that your body is a temple.
In Bod4God, the focus is on honoring God by caring for our bodies. And what better way to make it happen than by making wholesome lifestyle choices and changes that will eventually lead to your weight loss?
Pastor Steve and the Bod4God program is hands down the leader in this Christian weight loss space.
2. Body and Soul Fitness
Moving your body and getting fit is an important part of any weight loss program. Body and Soul Fitness has programs and classes geared towards people of all ages, with a strong emphasis on faith, community, and spiritual connection.
When you join Body and Soul Fitness, prices begin at only $25 per month, you can take classes in person or online. Whichever option you choose, Body and Soul’s certified and professionally trained instructors help you work at your own pace!
3. The Daniel Plan
The Daniel Plan spotlights the “Essentials” or the Five F’s. These include faith, fitness, focus, friends, and food.
According to the principles of the Daniel Fast, these five areas are intertwined and linked with each other, so we need to be active in all of these areas to gain success in our goal of creating and mastering a wholesome lifestyle.
The goal is to consume food that’s natural and unprocessed. The “faith” and “friends” parts in The Daniel Plan come in the form of a supportive group or a community of fellow believers in Christ who can encourage and inspire you to stay committed to this Christian weight loss program.4. First Place 4 Health
Weight loss involves a number of things, including one’s emotions and spiritual life.
First Place 4 Health maintains a holistic approach to losing weight while addressing the individual’s emotional needs. Among the elements of this program are scripture memory, Bible study, prayer, accountability, and a small support group.
There are also numerous pieces of information on how to eat healthy food, including recipes to guide meal prep. However, there’s not much emphasis on exercise.
5. The Eden Diet
One of the greatest roadblocks to losing weight is emotional eating (as we’ve already discussed).
The Eden Diet teaches appropriate eating. This means eating when we’re physically hungry - not emotionally.
Another Bible Diet that fits this category is the Hallelujah Diet.
It is basically a vegan, plant-based diet. Specifically, they recommend 85 percent of daily food intake be consumed raw.
In addition, the program encourages participants to take supplements, since most of the food eaten lack the essential vitamins and minerals our bodies need. Another reason to take supplements is because some food contains toxins, pesticides, and pollutants that impact your body and health.
The Hallelujah Diet aims to revive your body’s natural healing capacity through the right intake of raw foods that are loaded with essential enzymes to heal and energize your body right at the cellular level.
Best Free Christian Weight Loss Programs
Weight loss doesn’t mean expensive gym memberships, pricey diet plan subscriptions, or recurring consultation fees.
There are quite a few FREE Christian diet programs designed to help people lose weight the healthy way and in accordance with the Word of God. Here are two of the best ones:
Health and wellness is a journey to seeing God more and food less.
And to start this journey you need a road map .
This is what the FREE 7 Steps to Amazing Biblical Health Course is all about. It helps you gain the power over food by being in control of what you eat and achieving the benefits of consuming the right foods both on the physical and spiritual level.
What's good about this Bible diet is that it helps people learn the difference between a fleeting desire to eat and "true hunger."
This is the core of addressing emotional eating: we need to understand why we’re eating. Whether we’re consuming food because of genuine hunger or feelings (depressed, tense, anxious, etc.).
Increasing our understanding of why we eat, empowers us to eliminate emotional eating and ultimately lose weight.
It's absolutely powerful and life-changing!
8. Setting Captives Free
Setting Captives Free offers a smorgasbord of options for weight loss and other freedom issues. They include a Weight Loss Bootcamp, a 30 lesson course that’s gospel-centered or book, and even an option for starting local groups.
Whether a participant decides to take the free online course or purchase the book, do the course alone or with a friend, they’ll be encouraged to cultivate a hunger and thirst for God and His Word.
And if 30 lessons just wets the appetite, they also offer an additional 30 lesson follow up study to build on the lessons and progress made in the initial course.
Christian Weight Loss Programs With Accountability
Not sure how to begin the path to weight loss?
A qualified mentor can help. But since we're on the subject of Christian weight loss, I recommend looking for a health coach who bases his or her teaching in the Bible for a holistic transformation of your body, mind, and spirit.
Here are some of the best ones on the menu:
Can you imagine a coaching group with multiple live coaching calls per week, an exclusive set of video courses, a private Facebook group, and a whole library of healthy living resources?
Well, imagine no more! This coaching group has all those elements and more.
The Inner Circle Coaching group digs deep and works closely with members to help them achieve victory and longevity in excellent health through providing a nutritional assessment, working through individualized weight loss questions and emotional eating videos, and providing resources for meal prepping and fasting.
This unique program also places a high emphasis on prayer.
Through the Inner Circle, members get a fresh look at God’s Word and learn how to write the next chapter in life filled with health and fruitfulness.
10. Victory Steps for Women
What is unique about this Christian diet program is it focuses more on a woman’s health needs.
This program aims to help women develop wholesome eating habits and get rid of depression.
Coaches work with women to help them achieve their goals through prayer, studying the Bible, and eating and exercising the right way.
11. Dr. Rhona’s Solutions for Food Addiction
From a free download explaining 5 reasons diets don’t work to the book A 90-day Spiritual Journey toward Food Freedom, to an online course, Dr. Rhona has dedicated her life to helping others overcome food addiction as she did.
The online course includes a support group which helps participants walk through the “action-driven devotional” with Dr. Rhona.
This personalized program is powerful in helping people understand and obtain victory over food addiction.
Best Christian Weight Loss Online Courses

From Genesis to Revelation this course delivers a menu of understanding how much God teaches about food! More than just a weight loss program, this course examines and provides guidance on holistic healthy living. The by-product of eating and living a satisfied life in Him is weight loss naturally.
Modern diets have hidden in plain sight the simple way God provided us to live - which is found in the Bible.
The ingredients for victory include 3 powerful principles that helped me lose 60 pounds and keep it off.
Learn how to walk in a Biblical healthy lifestyle in Treasures Online.
13. Christian Fat-Loss Method
By joining the Christian fat-loss method, participants have access to a 6 part video masterclass, which offers step-by-step instructions to help people lose weight fast.
This method basically focuses on 3 important steps that are rooted in the Biblical principles of discovering God, the 75 percent rule, and fasting.
14. Take Back Your Temple
The founders of this Christian weight loss program designed it to address the emotional and spiritual aspects of losing weight.
This program give participants the chance to heal emotional hurts that tend to impact diet and overall outlook in life in a negative manner.
In the Take Back Your Temple program, classes focus on eliminating common weight loss issues such as binge-eating and emotional eating.
Leaders teach participants helpful prayers and engage them in a small study group where they help one another create healthy meal plans and develop good habits towards eating to achieve weight loss.

The program considers itself as the pioneer and mover and shaker of all the other faith-based weight loss programs.
The precepts include putting an end to counting calories, buying the right kind of foods, and measuring food. There’s a focus on understanding body cues about fullness and hunger to help people cease eating mindlessly.
16. Weight Loss, God’s Way
Thousands of participants in this weight loss program have observed positive changes in their health and life, which is why it is worth adding this program to the list.
There’s a strong emphasis on the value of losing weight permanently by partnering with and getting inspiration from the Holy Spirit.
They also have monthly courses (scroll to about halfway down the page), which aim to bring people closer to God while releasing spiritual bondage and mindsets that prevent us from reaching our goals.Success is Possible
There may be numerous Christian weight loss programs with various names (I mention another one here!) but there’s one truth you can always count on:
With God, EVERYTHING is possible.
Yes, being set free with food is a blessed victory! .
With the right information and support, anyone can eliminate struggles with losing weight and live the vibrant, abundant life Jesus came to give - with God as the ultimate strength and inspiration!
Glad this article was helpful!
Thank you so much for this list.