Have you tried to help your children and grandchildren learn God’s truths? Have you thought about making it fun and engaging?
That was the reason behind our family banner and now I am sharing it with you!
I choose what I wanted my kids to learn and never forget yet, it must be focused on God’s Truths!
That is why I choose these verses. Our kids are going against a tide of anti-christianity that will challenge their beliefs. Teaching them these truths from the earliest age and continue until they leave home – it will be God’s Word treasured in their hearts.
God’s Word does not return void. God keeps His words and He will never leave us.
Take this download and print your wall hanging or even a smaller print for the refrigerator. This was a Christmas gift I gave to my kids a couple years ago and I love when everyone is together as I work with the kids to say the verses in unison.
Such a blessing.
I pray you enjoy it as much as I do!
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