Finding Your Why – Weight Loss Encouragements From Scripture

March 14, 2019

Finding Your Why

People ask me repeatedly, “What is the first step to getting healthy and losing weight?”

Answer – a simple three letter word that used to press on our nerves when asked repeatedly by our three-year-old children – “Why?”

Without understanding our why – the because has no merit.

Why do you want to lose weight or get healthy?

Is it a temporary why – graduations, weddings, class reunions?

Or is it a more personal reason – my health demands it; the doctor said I should or my spouse would like me to.

Even these reasons are not sustainable for long term health. In fact the short term gain or loss of weight can be more detrimental than a long term weight loss that stays off.

How do we search deep within our soul that no fudge brownie can deter us from our why?

As I review my years of struggle and as I consult with others trying to be set free of weight problems it all comes down to this – a deep, personal, gratifying, glorifying why.

8 Weight Loss Encouragement Steps From Scripture

A why that responds with answers such as these:

Because He has loved us with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3)

Because we are made in His image. (Genesis 1:27)

Because He is the Almighty Rapha Healer. (Exodus 15:26)

Because He has called us to walk (eat and care for our body) in a worthy manner. (Ephesians 4:1)

Because we have been given grace. (Ephesians 4:7)

Because we have been bought with a price to glorify God with our bodies. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Because we have the truth in how to live our lives. (Ephesians 4:15-16)

Because we are no longer under a law (food rules set by man) but under grace. (Romans 6:14)

There are hundreds of more verses that share how much God loves us and why we should honor God with our body.

When this ‘because’ sinks deep in our soul our why will be strong and food addictions, overeating, eating wrong foods will make us cringe when they take away the blessing of why.

So what is the first step for a Christian to Lose Weight?

sukkot holiday

It is knowing why life matters to the Lord and eating (living) accordingly.

When it is meal time – let’s ask ourselves “What would satisfy us nutritionally and how much does my body require to be kept sustained till the next meal time?”

Including good quality protein like tuna, eggs, organic cheese or other solid proteins will bring satisfaction for hours. Add to this a high-quality oil such as avocados, nuts, and seeds, then top it off with some cellular celebrations of cruciferous vegetables.

The Treasures of Healthy Living Bible Study is another great study to marinate in all of God’s Word to understand how God’s design brings satisfaction.

The stronger the why the better the success and the more our bodies will glorify Him.

This is the WHY DIET and it will set you free for life!

 “For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6).

  • Thank you so much for your wisdom. I am on my journey to be healthy in the temple. I soooooo needed this for my struggles of years of emotional overeating. I am getting there and honestly the things that have been helping is exactly what you recommend. God’s beautiful word is at the center of it ALL. Thank you for pursuing your purpose with food God’s way Annette. Bless you!

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