Just as we are physical, we are spiritual
Just as we are spiritual, we are physical
"Beloved, I pray ..be in good health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2
11 Ways To Grow Spiritually
What is spiritual growth?
Happiness starts in the gut, but true joy comes from the heart. You can change the gut microbiome by eating better foods for happier days, but the joy of the Lord only comes from seeking what is blocking the blood flow of the heart. The spiritual heart.
Spiritual growth is seeing God at work in every area of life. When we can't see, we don't grow. There is a blockage. That blockage inhibits the ability to see God and experience joy.
Spiritual growth brings a flow that delivers peace. Peace in the storm. Peace today and tomorrow.
I have put together 11 pieces to help you grow spiritually. Enjoy the joy!
Did you know your physical health is 100% dependent on your spiritual health?
Yet it is so much simpler to start a diet than it is to look at our heart.
Our spiritual heart.
Spiritual growth starts in the heart. What are you passionate about or what are you anxious about? That answer determines your spiritual health. Passions stem from the heart and then drive our purpose, which comes from our brain.
Purpose then feeds our pleasure, which comes from the gut. Science has now proven we have three brains: heart, mind and gut. These three brains can act independently and also in concert with each other. As one area heals, the other two are ready for a transformation.
Physical and mental transformations happen quicker when we start with the spiritual!
10 Resources & Activities
to Help You Determine and Achieve Your Spiritual Growth Goals

God loves YOU?
Our God who created all this wonder is the same God who formed you! He desires you to know him!

Discover Your Self Worth!
What if you could be loved for the person you truly were created to be? You CAN when you seek God's Word!

Leads to Disease
Stress and unforgiveness lead to disease and heartache. Are you ready to say 'no more'?

Stress is a KILLER
He gives strength to the weary. Did you know most doctor visits are from a root cause of stress?

7 Steps to Amazing Biblical Health
These are the first steps to see changes happen. "These are the steps I start each client with - they are that good!"

Heed God's Word
Transformations are not from man but from the WORD. Keep God's Word fresh in your mind and heart.

Start a 40-Day Transformation
40-days from now you will know how to eat the Biblical way and have a full cup of joy to overflow for others!
Start today!

When You Fast
Go without to gain within - learn the simple truths of fasting.
The great biblical leaders fasted now you can too.

Experience Israel Today
Walk where Jesus walked in His homeland or experience the flavors of Israel at your own table.

Emotions are a Blessing or a Curse
What emotions are driving you today? Learn to identify the two and start experiencing more freedom.
What is Spiritual Growth and Are You Ready?
I have been in church my entire life. In fact, if my dad hadn't acted quickly, my mom would have delivered me on the pew! Wouldn't that have been a story for the prayer chain?
Even though I have been going to church forever, I still desired a mentor to help me see my short-comings and how to walk/talk/think/believe like Jesus. The Bible, along with the Holy Spirit, is our mentor. Yet, I wanted someone to sit with me and talk. I had spiritual needs.
Everyone has spiritual needs. Spiritual growth and spiritual wellness happens when we learn to recognize the need. Awareness of the need opens the door for healing and growth.
This is most often thought of as love, healing, and wisdom.
Yet it is much more.
When we are not seeking a daily relationship with Christ (which is a free gift) then we gravitate to the sins of the flesh: idols, gluttony (yes I had to add that one), sex outside marriage, lie, envy, pride, jealousy, and more.

So God sent us the Holy Spirit to help us overcome those desires and help us enjoy our spiritual needs being filled.
Those needs are to daily live in: gentleness, kindness, goodness, patience, peace, joy, love, self-control. Those are our spiritual needs. They come when recognize what beliefs are not true to God's Word and which beliefs are.

If you are like me and want a mentor to help recognize these answers to spiritual needs, then you are in the right place. Throughout all the Biblical Nutritionist teachings, including the Inner Circle, our goal is to help you identify the beliefs that are holding you back and change our thoughts to the beliefs that agree with God's Word.
Here is an example:
Thought/belief: Why doesn't God hear me when I pray? Or I am such a mess. Or I am glad I am not like so and so.
These thoughts become beliefs as you act on them or say them.
As you can see, these beliefs are self focused: envy, pride and jealousy. To move them into the area of peace and goodness, we need to change our thoughts.
Thank you, Lord, for hearing me when I pray. Thank you, Lord, for answering me, so I will recognize your voice.
Thank you Lord, you knew me from my mother's womb and that you know my name. Everything you created is 'good' and that includes me.
This speaking God's Word brings us the answers to our spiritual needs. As we are speaking in agreement to God's Word, the peace, joy, love, self-control - as was promised - is now real!
Now that is shouting grounds. The answer to your spiritual needs is all found in God's Word. When you struggle to recognize that, we will help. That is what the Inner Circle is for. YOU!
Always remember that God loves You.
The Next Transformation Is Waiting
Your physical health matters to God! He created your body - He knows how to care for it!
- Learn the 3 Principles that will transform what food you choose to eat!
- Develop confidence when grocery shopping!
- Overcome health challenges with blood tests and supplements!
- Discover which home and beauty items to avoid and which will benefit you!
If you are seeking freedom in your weight, energy levels, or overall health, this is the next step for you!
What we think becomes what we believe. Our mental health affects every other area of our health!
- Learn the importance of forgiveness - and how it benefits your entire body!
- Reshape your thoughts and beliefs by turning to God's Word!
- Discover the connection between your brain and your gut!
Fasting - for Daniel and Esther, it was life to them and their people.
Yet today, most Christians haven't unveiled this amazing discipline in their daily journey.
- Did you know going without to gain within brings you closer to the abundant life you have been praying for?
- Did you know physically all cells in the body are improved through fasting?
- Did you know research is continuing to reveal how fastinfasting?g can bring healing to over 100 diseases?
Through the Fasting Course I teach you every step to fasting enjoyably. Yes, that is possible.