A healthy food grocery list can bring confidence in the grocery store and therefore confidence in the kitchen!
That is why I am sharing a healthy food grocery list today. You matter to me and your future will be best when healthy eating takes center stage.
The quickest way to sabotage healthy eating is to have unhealthy food in your pantry and refrigerator.
My pastor friend says - “If it’s near you, it will get in you!”
The most glorifying way to experience success in healthy eating goals is to have the best, healthiest food options available at home when you’re hungry.
Where does our food come from? The store, of course! Concerned it’s impossible, or even difficult, to get healthy food from the regular store? Not true!
There is no need for a specialty store like Whole Foods or Trader Joe's or Sprouts to get the great foods that are healthiest. Making sure certain foods are on the list, and thus make it into the kitchen, is a great way to ensure you have what’s needed to fuel your body for optimal health. And you can shop for them just about anywhere.
What's On Your Healthy Food Grocery List?
Are you curious what to write on the list for the most nutritious foods to feed your family? It starts with nutritious, healthy, great quality foods such as these listed below. Many of these are staples to have on hand always and even a second bottle in the storage area. That area is my laundry room.
Here are 9 foods to add to your healthy food grocery list to feed your family the best!
1. Cold-Pressed Olive Oil
Healthiest choices start with non GMO and organic. These all important words should be on the olive oil label. Cold pressed (or first pressed) means we're going to get the purest, the most delicious flavored olive oil. It has the best flavor!
Olives, and thus quality olive oil, have many health benefits. Not the least of which are:
- Reducing inflammation
- Having antioxidant properties
- Working as an antihistamine
My video Are Olives Healthy, expounds on why this small fruit is so beneficial. Watch the video below to know more about the spiritual and physical benefits of olives.
Adding cold-pressed olive oil will benefit you and your family's health greatly.
I keep one bottle in the pantry and 3 bottles in the laundry room to not run out.
(Love olives? Enjoy wearing this fun wear while sharing the message of God's Love. Great gift ideas for your loved ones - or for your own collection, too!)

2. Apple Cider Vinegar
There are so many ways to use apple cider vinegar! And so many reasons to include it in your diet.
- I use this to make salad dressings.
- I sprinkle it on some of my vegetables before I do a stir fry.
- I'll use it just as a drink with some honey in it.
If we've got a cold coming or things like that, apple cider helps our body fight the germs naturally. Studies have shown that ACV can help with a host of health issues. It’s a great resource to have in your pantry at all times. And yes, it's something to add in your healthy grocery haul!
PLUS - I have a new puppy and adding a few drops in her water each day helps to prevent ticks and fleas!
I keep one extra bottle in my laundry room!
3. Liquid Aminos
Think tasty marinade! It’s great for stir frying, and has a delicious flavor.
Liquid Aminos is also delicious in salad dressings. Anything you’ve formerly, or currently, used soy sauce for, can be replaced with this healthier alternative.
Although it would never brag, this item will not only help your meals taste great, but you’ll also be gaining great benefits from the amino acids.
I keep one extra bottle in the laundry room.
4. Organic Beet Juice
Beets. Maybe you’re saying, “Ugh,” in your head. But don’t turn away! Beets are incredibly powerful with hormones, diabetes, brain function… Everything! Don’t miss the beat with beets :)!
What better way, if you’re not a beet fan, than adding about a half a cup of juice per day? That small amount is enough to help get some of the beets in your diet and enjoy all the benefits.
However, when you buy any food or product that has beets, it must be non GMO verified because beets are now a genetically modified food and we need to protect our family.
I keep 1 extra bottle in the extra refridgerator.
Check out my favorite organic beet juice brand in this video:
5. Nutritional Yeast
Do you know what nutritional yeast is? It’s a deactivated yeast and is packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
One of the most important elements of nutritional yeast is that it adds B vitamins to your food.
How can you use nutritional yeast?
Sprinkle nutritional yeast on salads and pasta dishes. It kind of has a Parmesan cheese flavor and texture, which explains it’s new popularity.
It's always just a good addition, especially if you have children who need a boost in nutrition.
6. Flaxseed Meal
Flaxseed meal has a boat load of fiber. (You know I’m the queen of fiber!) I want you to have lots of fiber in your diet (because I want you to experience optimal health!) That’s why you need flax seeds or flaxseed meal daily. It delivers a great fiber boost to the diet.
Flax seeds also are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help your heart stay healthy.
Flaxseed meal is a great food which helps with proper elimination, weight management, and overall health. I discuss this nutrient further (and other important nutrition topics) in the Treasures of Healthy Living Nutrition Manual.
I don't keep too much extra of flaxseed since it can go rancid. I had to throw out several cups of this because it went bad. Keep extra in the freezer.
Have you seen this video: 11 benefits of flax seeds and how to choose the healthiest options? I’d love for you to check it out!
7. Organic Blue Tortilla Chips
Got the munchies? Craving something salty? Let’s go for the healthiest choice available. And that’s organic blue tortilla chips.
In addition to being delicious, these chips have healthy oils and natural ingredients that are good for you. Although not too good to replace veggies for a snack or dipper.
8. Whole Wheat Organic Flour
Do you need a healthy flour for baking? I recommend the stone-ground whole wheat organic flour because not only is it healthy but has a good flavor too.
Remember, whole grains deliver whole nutrition; whereas refined grains deliver man’s altered lab experiments.
I keep 4-5 buckets of grains in my laundry room to always be supplied. Here is a list of places to buy non-GMO, organic grains online. This is how I stay stocked up!
9. Unbleached Organic Flour

Unbleached white all purpose flour. Usually all purpose means they've added baking soda or baking powder to assist in the rising of your cakes and your cookies. Whereas stone ground flour can typically be a heavier flour because it has all of the fiber and bran that God designed in the whole wheat.
Between the two, my preference for your shopping is to always buy the stone ground. Now obviously I want you to do the milling yourself. That way, you control everything about the food that you're feeding your family, but the stone ground would be my better option of the two.Is there more to a Healthy Food Grocery List?
Yes! As you’ve noticed, I’ve highlighted some great items to add to your pantry. This lineup is certainly not exhaustive in how to stock your kitchen with healthy foods.
On that note, here are some other great healthy foods you should grab while you’re at the store.
- Fresh fruits - organic on the “dirty” fruits (those you eat the skins of)
- Fresh vegetables - same as above
- A variety of colors - don’t get all greens, or yellows, or reds. A rainbow of fruits and vegetables means a variety of nutrients which will multiply the vitamins and minerals you’re eating.
- Quality organic proteins
- Fish - let’s get more of those omega-3 fatty acids!
Does this healthy food grocery list seem possible? Yes, it is!
Don’t be overwhelmed by these 9 must-haves. Start with one. Or a couple. Familiarize yourself with quality brands and where these items are located in your favorite stores. Look up some new recipes.
Adding one new item each week will take only 2 months to have them all - very doable!
Want to change more than what's in your kitchen?
Check out these resources and many more on the Resources page and on my YouTube Channel.
There is a wealth of information for you to explore - all designed to keep you and your family physically and spiritually healthy.
Test Your Healthy food List
What's your healthy food grocery list like?
How many of these foods do you buy already?
Which ones do you plan to add?
Let me know in the comments!
So glad that this was helpful!
Love your teachings. Helpful tips.
I would suggest joining our Facebook group: Biblical Nutrition Academy