Do you wish you could put an end to your weight loss struggles once and for all?
The way of God is the sure way to help you achieve any goal you have, even your weight loss plans!
With God, anything is ultimately possible and this biblical weight loss plan for Christians is your powerful resource to becoming your best self today and every single day of your life.
Let me come alongside your journey to be a healthier, happier, and more radiant you that God intends for you to be.
Follow these 7 steps to free yourself from your weight problems and become the best version of yourself!
What does the Bible say about discipline?

Every goal can be achieved through a plan.
But to activate your plan, you need to have two things:
Discipline and Habits.
In 2 Timothy 1:7, it was written, “For the Spirit, God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.”
The Spirit of God is what gives you discipline. It is a virtue that you can never possess unless you have the inspiration, guidance, and divine assistance of the Lord.
And once you have that discipline, you can do absolutely anything that is for your own good!
According to Proverbs 10:17, “Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to live, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.”
Use that discipline to take you towards the fulfillment of your goals, and everything else will fall into place.
What Does The Bible Say About Habits?
In the Bible, your habits are what can either keep you closer or farther away from God.
Once you have the discipline, you can start developing habits… Positive habits that will change your life, your very self all for the best.
What is a habit?
In 2 Peter 1:5 - 8, it is written, “Make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
So by keeping a habit that is in alignment to godliness, perseverance, discipline, and faith in God, you are also allowing yourself to become transformed into your best self, which is what you need to be working in your life.
And with good, productive habits and discipline, weight loss can be achieved, unlocked and actualized!
Prayer to Lose Weight
Now let’s ask for spiritual help from God, so we can carry out all of these steps.
With Him, you can do everything, and you need Him to strengthen your body, mind, and spirit to reach your goal through all of these steps.
And so we pray:
Lord, I come to you because you are LORD! You are Lord of everything. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made in Your image.
Lord, I ask forgiveness for abusing my body and not being mindful or your design or desire. Lord grant me the understanding that your love is more nourishing than any food. Help me recognize that you designed in my body signals of when I am truly hungry and when enough is enough.
Lord with you as my Rapha healer I can overcome food addictions and bask in your Glory as my body is healed from lack of discipline. I trust everything to You. In Jesus name - Amen.
A Biblical Weight Loss Plan You Can Stick To and Will Free More Than Weight

Tired of carrying that extra weight around?
You CAN lose weight and feel freer than ever!
Here is a 7-step biblical weight loss plan that can help you get rid of that extra weight once and for all!
1. Design
The reason this is a biblical weight loss plan is that we recognize the Bible is our first and final authority.
Because of this fact, we then need to understand that our bodies were designed to be healthy. Anything against that design will cause illness and disease.
The first step to biblical weight loss is to admit God designed your body for greatness.
Here are 8 biblical weight loss encouragement to help you along your journey.
2. Desires
God has given us desires but man has altered and confused those desires for his gain.
Food is the prime example of this. God designed food to meet our needs and for teaching. Man has taken God designed foods and manipulated them to be addictive and monetized for his gain.
When we change our desires to God designed food and away from man’s experiments we win this battle for good!
3. Discipline
I only wish God would have designed our bodies to enjoy 200 calories daily and then our bodies would automatically stop and not allow any more eating.
Well, God did not desire robots. He wanted us to desire Him in all things.
That means the most dreaded “D” word - hated more than ‘DIET’ is Discipline. It is the most lacking trait in America today and the reason is advertisers don’t want us disciplined. They want us impulsive, confused and always in want.
We need to develop discipline for our own good. No one can do it for us.
With discipline comes godliness. Remember discipline is not good of itself. Instead, it leads us to so much more of God’s blessings. It is a necessary step.
There is no permanent weight loss without God directed discipline. For more specific disciplines in eating read my Blog: 7 Disciplines for Permanent Weight Loss
4. Daily
The problem people have with healthy living is that needs to be daily! Eating healthy is a daily choice. This means each day we get to decide who we will serve, God or man? God or our stomach?
God or our desire for way too much food?
God or those cookies?
Does this mean we never get to eat? Not at all. You can have cookies, just remember they are a treat, not a meal.
Keep in mind that daily you get to show God how much you love him by eating when you are hungry, stopping when your body is satisfied (not your mind looking at the cake) and eating less than you desired.
Daily we win this battle, occasionally we lose.
5. Fasting
There is a time and a place for fasting and fasting is scriptural. The most commonly known example of fasting is the Daniel fast in the Bible.
The Lord fasted as well.
There are different types of fasting and we know that fasting can be very beneficial for your health.
Fasting requires discipline and can be part of your biblical weight loss plan if God is calling you to do so.
6. Diet
God has given us the best of the best! Real food from our Creator cannot be matched by anything man brings from the laboratory.
And remember, all man’s alterations are from a laboratory. Let your diet match your desires, to see God provide and His foods nourish.
Eating foods in their natural form, as close to God’s design and not letting any food become an addiction are very important pillars of your biblical weight loss plan!
To learn more read the Treasures of Healthy Living Bible Study.
7. Desserts
Yes, desserts are the perfect celebration of food and can be incorporated into your biblical weight loss plan.
In fact, God designed us to celebrate and gave us 7 festivals for that very purpose.
Remember God created honey! He created dates - YUM! He created chocolate! Yes, God knew we would love our desserts! So yes, have dessert. But not every day or with every meal. We work first, then we celebrate.
We learn to hunger, then we celebrate satisfaction!
When I was growing up my mom believed every Sunday we should have a special dessert. Throughout the week there was no dessert, just regular foods: meats, bread, vegetables and sometimes fruit.
So when Sunday came we, especially myself, really looked forward to dessert. My mom never struggled with her weight. Then when I married, my husband was looking for dessert after every dinner. Well, that changed everything.
I gained a lot of weight and developed a sugar craving that was never satisfied.
Biblical Food Journal

If you need help increasing your discipline and food control, we have a free Biblical food journal launching in the next 4-days. It will help you give this area over to God more this week.
He wants your whole life, and you do not need to live in fear anymore because he has already done it all for you.
When dieting and losing weight is a struggle, it’s usually because of our focus. Each day we get to choose how we care for our bodies and each day we get to choose where we will turn our focus.
Starting and ending each day with a Bible devotion will help maintain a desire to please God and not your stomach.
When I started this journey as I read the Bible, every time I found a verse or story that had to do with my eating or health I placed a special symbol next to it in the margins of my Bible.
Starting and ending each day with a Bible devotion will help maintain a desire to please God
Today I see almost every page of the Bible with that special mark. What that teaches me is that God cares so much about us that he made food the perfect teaching tool to show us His love and devotion. By incorporating devotions in your weight loss journey this will give you special insight. Much more than from Google or the internet doctors.
Weight is not the core of our problems, it is a result of the core of our problems.
Our problem is our desire to please ourselves instead of pleasing God. It is a desire to live for yourself, not God. As we change our focus - our desire - God begins to take the place in our lives, the throne, and ALL areas of our life begin to align with His will.
Conclusion - This Week
When I started this journey I was fat! But I also had marriage problems, parenting issues, and super low self-esteem.
When I addressed the weight problem, my marriage started getting better. As I saw God at work in my health I saw my focus to be a better parent improve. As I saw God at work in my health I saw my self-esteem improve and turn into what it truly was supposed to be. It’s all connected.
Be strong and courageous, those are God’s words to His people. His people is YOU! Be strong, this weight battle is not meant to consume you. It is meant to set you FREE!
Starting this week you can lose weight, look and feel better with the 7-steps of my biblical weight loss plan.
Become the best you so you can be the person God intended you to be!
[…] struggle with our health. Whether you’re looking for ways to improve your health or looking for biblical weight loss tips, learning about the treasures within the foods God has given us is a blessing on our […]