The Two Biblical Daniel Fast Models | Recipes, Plan & Fasting Guide

Annette Reeder

Daniel Fast Recipes and Plan for Fast Physical and Spiritual Improvements

You can have spiritual growth and spiritual wellness.

The Daniel fast is not a fad, it’s life-changing because through our obedience to God we get to  experience the full joy of what he has to offer us. When we are called  to fasting and prayer, God has a purpose for why he’s calling us to do so. (1)

But what is the Daniel fast, how can it benefit your overall health and where do you start?

Today,  you’re going to learn about what kinds of foods to eat on the Daniel  fast according to scripture, the health benefits, and enjoy some delicious Daniel fast recipes that will glorify God and satisfy the whole family!

Awesome Health Benefits You Can Get from Daniel Fast Meals

Awesome Health Benefits You Can Get from Daniel Fast Meals

The Daniel Fast is a whole food and plant-based diet fast. This is similar to vegan  eating but the benefits of it have been known long before it was a trend.

Not only will fasting improve your spiritual health, but experts agree that it can also improve your physical health. (2)

In addition to not eating biblically unclean foods, the Daniel Fast eliminates toxic foods that cause a various types of disease and incorporates nutrient-dense healthy foods.

The benefits it gives to your body is so abundant and life-changing!

The Daniel Fast has been proven to lower blood pressure, (3) and improve blood sugar levels and food-related medical issues (4) from further development among men and women.

Those who suffer from weight and body issues can benefit from Daniel fasting. In fact, this type of fasting inspired the so-called Chris Pratt diet, which helped people achieve healthy weight loss with a balanced eating plan.

As you free your body from processed foods and increase your intake of dietary fiber and nutrients, your body will benefit from improved vascular and heart health, (5) better mood, energy levels, and concentration. (6)

What Is A Fast?

During fasting, you abstain from drink, food, or some sort of entertainment for a specific amount of time to focus on God.
There are different kinds of fast.
Intermittent Fasting: Eating or drinking only during a given amount of time, (such as between 11 a.m - 4 p.m)
Absolute Fasting: No food or water
Partial Fasting: Eliminating certain types of food and drink
Standard Fasting: Only water

What Is a Daniel Fast?

The Daniel Fast is a partial fast based on the Daniel's fasting experiences in the Bible.

Nebuchadnezzar,  the Babylonian king, took the prophet Daniel and other promising young people  captive from Israel to Babylon to be trained in Babylonian culture and literature. The king’s food is where Daniel drew the line.

Daniel’s  fasting is recorded in the book of Daniel multiple times. The Daniel fast focuses on the elimination of the rich foods and wine of the king  that surrounded him.

 Daniel 1:8:

“But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and  wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.”

 Daniel and his friends fasted to protect themselves from being tempted by Babylonian culture. To remind them they were the people of God.

 Below we will discuss what is common practice to eat, and what not to eat on the Daniel fast according to the Bible.

Set Yourself Up For Success - What is Your Daniel Fast Goal?

Set Yourself Up For Success

The spiritual benefits of fasting can break strongholds in your life. Mark 9:29: “And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.”

 It  can bring us spiritual clarity, allow us to be more sensitive to  hearing God, and bring us satisfaction while drawing close in our dependence on God.

 It is not just things of this world that we as followers of Christ live off of.

 Matthew 4:4: “Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

 God wants us to demonstrate our commitment to Him.

 Take the following steps to show Him your intent.

 Determine in your heart and mind that you are going to fast.

Set a date – in advance and make a commitment.

Why are you going to fast?

  • To rely more on Him?

  • To break an addiction?

  • To have a more intimate relationship with him?

  • To keep your health in check?

 Your why you are doing the Daniel fast will be your best motivator; determining your why is step 1 in sticking to a diet.

How Long Should You Do the Daniel Fast?

Did you know Daniel actually stuck to this “simple diet of vegetables and water” for three years?

According to the Bible, that was the time frame set by King Nebuchadnezzar for their training before they entered the King’s service.

Three years of steadfast commitment to not defile himself by eating the king’s food or drinking his wine.

Daniel 1:5 “And the king appointed for them a daily provision of the king’s delicacies and of the wine which he drank, and three years of training for them, so that at the end of that time they might serve before the king.”

“King’s delicacies” ... I love that; it perfectly describes our western culture and food and beverage obsession.

I struggled to rely on God and was dependent on food for years!

Learning the spiritual balance of God’s healthy living plan from the Bible and fasting was key in breaking my addiction to chocolate.

Those addictions/idols in my life are tough to break, fasting is so important for any season, which can help to increase our reliance on God and his strength instead of our dependence on food and sugary drinks.

When participating in the Daniel fast, there are two-time frames most choose to engage in: 10 and 21 Days.

Both duration of time are in Daniel, 10 days in chapter 1 and 3-weeks way down the timeline in Daniel 10.

Most bridge the two separate food do’s and don’ts together, which is the most common Daniel fast practice.

10 Day Fasting Plan from Daniel 1

10 Day Fasting Plan from Daniel 1

These Bible verses give us a general understanding of Daniel’s first 10-day fast plan.
Daniel 1:12 “Please test your servants for ten days, and let us be given some vegetables to eat and water to drink.”
The  King James Version uses an older English word Pulse which when you  understand it’s definition, it further clarifies what foods to eat and  what foods to not include on the Daniel fast. (7)

What is Pulse in the Book of Daniel

“and let them give us pulse to eat,” Daniel 1:12 KJV
Pulse  in the book of Daniel is herbs or vegetables grown from seeds: (8)  which is why a Daniel fast consists of a vegetable diet.
The  specifics of what “pulses” - just vegetables alone or including other  foods such as fruits and grains is between you and the Lord.
Additional Daniel fast guidelines are expounded when he is talking about his 3-week fast.

Daniel’s 21-Days Fast in Daniel 10

Daniel 10:2-3

“In those days I, Daniel, had been mourning for three entire weeks. I  did not eat any tasty food, nor did meat or wine enter my mouth, nor did I use any ointment at all, until the entire three weeks were completed.”

 However, implementing too many rules on a fast can distract us from its true intention.

 Please note that these are guidelines and it’s up to you to define the parameters of your fast.

 How you approach and carry out the Daniel fast is between you and the Lord, let the spirit guide you on what is and isn’t right for your fast.

 One thing is clear, Daniel did not eat any meat or drink wine during his fast, other parts of the fast can be more subjective, such as how vegetables are defined. So you may or may not include grains and fruits.

 Likewise with tasty foods. Fruits and vegetables can be very tasty! So you will have to decide what you will and will not eat.

 Here are suggestions and guidelines to types of foods to eat on the Daniel fast. 

What are the Foods to Eat on a Daniel Fast?

What are the Foods to Eat on a Daniel Fast

Foods to eat on the Daniel Fast (9) include fruits, all types of fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds & whole grains.

 There’s  a huge variety of food to consume on the Daniel Fast, the best thing  to do is to let the Lord lead you in the specific details of what foods  you will eat and not to eat while on the Daniel fast.

The Daniel Fast Excludes:

  • meat and meat products

  • dairy products

  • processed foods

  • deep-fried foods

  • solid fats

  • refined sugars

  • alcohol and beverages other than herbal teas and water

 Cooking with oil is allowed but must be used in moderation. Healthy oil includes plant-based ones such as avocado oil, coconut oil, and sesame oil.

Daniel Fast Protein Sources

In the Bible, Daniel did not consume any meat during his fast. For 21 days, he ate nothing but vegetables, drank water, and stayed away from tasty food. His diet was pure and he made a choice to stick to it throughout the duration of the fast.

You may wonder - here do you get your protein on the Daniel fast if you are not consuming meat and meat products? 

Fortunately, there is an abundance of alternative protein sources to choose from which include all nuts and seeds, and legumes.

Examples include:

  • Nuts and seeds such as  almonds, sunflower seeds, cashews, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and brazil nuts

  • Legumes such as lentils, black beans, black-eyed peas, cannellini beans, garbanzo beans, great northern beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, and split peas.

Whole Grains

Stick with whole grains on the Daniel Fast such as:

  • Brown rice

  • Oats

  • Barley

  • Quinoa

  • Millet

  • Amaranth

  • Buckwheat,

  • Barley cooked in water

  • Whole wheat (excludes bread or pasta containing yeast)


It is best to limit your choice of grains to the ones above and stay away from bread that contains sugar, additives, and preservatives.

Can You Eat Spices on the Daniel Fast?

Spices you can eat on the Daniel fast include both dried and fresh. This applies to herbs as well.

 You can also incorporate soy products (high quality, non-GMO), natural vinegars, sea salt or Himalayan salt.

 Avoid refined salts and anything with preservatives when flavoring dishes.

Sweets, Beverages, and Other

When it comes to sweets and sugar on the Daniel Fast, stick with fruits if you are choosing to eat fruits.

You can choose to stay away from all sweeteners and juices that contain added sugar.

Other than water, you can also choose to drink unsweetened herbal teas for 21 days or 10 days - however long you wish to do the Daniel fast.

Good Water is Critical When Fasting

Be sure to drink plenty of water to drink so that the toxins and wastes can be easily flushed from your system.

 Yes, for 21-day Daniel plan detox really happens!

 Make sure you have a good water purifier or buy good filtered water from a store.

 You will be flushing out a lot of toxins! (10)

With healthy food to eat and water to drink, you set yourself up to great physical benefits through the Daniel fast.

Speaking of water...

The least expensive way is to buy some BPA free reusable gallons, (most grocery stores and all health food stores have inexpensive filtered water refill stations).

 Brita and Pur are not the best filtration systems.

Guide to Daniel Fast Heart, Mind, Soul and Meal Preparation

Guide to Daniel Fast Heart, Mind, Soul and Meal Preparation

Here are some things you want to think about before you start the Daniel fast and keep doing it for 21 days.

 It is best to plan out each meal before you begin the Daniel fast. You don’t want to get caught in the moment of surprise hunger as 12 o’clock rolls and your body is not prepared for it.

 Create a spreadsheet with the recipes below and other Daniel fast recipes you find online that’ll help you keep track of what healthy meals you will prepare each day.

 Here’s how I lay them out in my 21-Day Daniel fast meal plan and recipes which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack for each day.

Day 10


Pancakes with fruit sauce. (pg. 22-23 Daniel Fast Cookbook)


Steamed Vegetables with Quinoa; apple or fruit of choice. (pg. 154)


Veggie wraps, green salad with vinaigrette, orange slices. (pg. 112)

 Healthy Banana Cookies. (pg. 208)

 Doesn’t sound like too bad of a fast!

 Amazon usually has The Daniel Fast cookbook in-stock, it includes a meal and snack plan for 21 days, a grocery shopping list, over 45-recipes, and more. The Kindle pdf version is typically just a few dollars.

 In light of preparation... 

Daily Devotions and Prayer Intentions While Fasting Increase Reliance on Jesus

Set yourself up to succeed on the Daniel fast. Even though you are doing this for spiritual reasons don’t think you will not be tempted – you will. Satan will make sure of it.

 Remember, Ephesians 6:12:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against

principalities, against powers, against the rules of the darkness of

this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

 This means you are entering spiritual warfare and food will be used against you.

 Whether this is your first time fasting or the beginning of another fast, it all begins with the very first day.

It is also good to start a journal to keep track of your journey through fasting and your walk with the LORD.

 This way you can also check your progress,  keep track of your challenges, where you find yourself being tempted and any revelation God gives you.

Write yourself daily declarations shifting your reliance from food to relying on God.

 “When my stomach growls today, I will rest and abide in the grace and truth that He is there helping me get through these challenges.”

 Meditate on the scripture and Bible verses on healing.

Prayer will help you greatly during the fast.

"But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD" ~ Jeremiah 30:17

 There will be times in our lives when fasting is necessary to break the bonds of strongholds such as gossiping, alcohol, food addictions, lack of trust, sinful behaviors and so on.

 Turning your problems over to God through prayer and letting Him take control over these areas will bring this freedom and a great yoke will be lifted from your shoulders. Discipline always has its rewards. It will be difficult before it is easy.

Pray Before You Start Your Fast

Pray Before You Start Your Fast

Before you fast, begin with a prayer. It is important to ask for strength during the fast. The  Holy Spirit is within us and we can depend on Him as our body begins to respond to the fasting process.

 Set aside some time during the usual meal time to pray and meditate on a favorite scripture passage.

Here’s the verse that launched the healthy living from the Bible journey for me.

If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.

I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have given me life.

 Psalms 119:92-93

Commit to Praising for 21 Days then Keep Praising

As your feet hit the floor each morning give a shout of rejoicing for the great insight God will give you today.

 Continue to praise Him all day long, throughout this short journey and afterwards.

 Psalm 118:24: “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

 The purpose of this fast is to draw closer to God through prayer and Bible study and to abstain from certain food products for discipline. Commit to pray for those who are joining you on this physical and spiritual journey too.

As your feet hit the floor each morning give a shout of rejoicing for the great insight God will give you today.

 Continue to praise Him all day long, throughout this short journey and afterwards.

 Psalm 118:24: “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Mouth-Watering Daniel Fast Recipe Collection to Boost Your Health

Think you’re limited with Daniel Fast foods?

Because it is free from meat, sugar, and all the other food products you are used to?

Nothing could be further from the truth.

There are tons of wonderful dishes and recipes that will fill you up, make you feel great and improve your health!

The recipes below you can find in my Daniel Fast Book which also includes planning tips, a 21-day complete menu plan, shopping list, tips to get started, 45 photographed recipes, inspiring devotions from the Bible, and quick read daily devotions.

During those weeks I ate these dishes, I felt satisfied and content. Without any processed foods in your body during the Daniel fast, you will feel refreshed and nourished.

I encourage you to follow this guide to keep your goals in check, help you stay on track and disciplined. Make these healthy Daniel fast recipes at home for you or your family and friends, or share them with others.

Daniel Fast Cabbage Rolls

Daniel Fast Cabbage Rolls

An Italian twist on a familiar dish, these cabbage rolls are delicious!

 Stuffed with brown rice and veggies, topped off with savory tomato sauce these vegan cabbage rolls are packed with nutrient-dense vegetables and protein filled ingredients that everyone will enjoy!

Vegetable Pizza

Vegetable Pizza

This veggie pizza with sprouted tortilla crust is a hearty version of a classic favorite.

Many recipes on the Daniel fast use Ezekiel sprouted grain tortillas, this one is a super simple Daniel fast pizza you can prepare fast.

Top it off with your favorite vegetables and soy or rice cheese.

Oven-Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower

Oven-Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower

This vegetables re ipe is the perfect side to any dish!

 Red pepper is what gives this oven roasted broccoli and cauliflower the perfect amount of spice.

Tuscan White Bean Salad

Tuscan White Bean Salad

This healthy dish is flavored with tasty Tuscan ingredients like tomatoes, olive  oil, oregano, basil, parsley, red wine vinegar, and balsamic vinegar. And yes, it is high in protein and fiber, too!

 The Tuscan white bean salad is perfect for potlucks or anytime, this hearty meal is full of zesty flavor.

Peruvian Quinoa Stew

Peruvian Quinoa Stew

Tired of using the same grains?

This recipe is loaded with protein, good for the heart, and it can help you lose and manage your weight, too!

 Try this tummy warming Peruvian quinoa stew made with quinoa, heart-healthy vegetables and herbs.

Vegetable Fried Rice

Vegetable Fried Rice

Easy to make, easy to love.

 This vegetable fried rice recipe is sure to please. Substitute with any vegetable you like!


The Daniel Fast isn’t about dieting.

In the Bible, the prophet Daniel fasted to achieve not only physical health but also spiritual discipline.

It is not just for the sake of treating a disease or keeping the body healthy.

The purpose of a fast is freedom. Freedom to hear God in a new way as reliance on favorite foods is put aside.

Fasting helps you remember that food is not the most important thing in your life.

Through prayer, reading and understanding the messages in the Bible, you can gain the wonderful benefits that the Daniel fast offers.

After all, what  is more important than to set our sights on the Kingdom?

To be able to live like Christ did and love as he did? Our mission is to love God with all our hearts, love our neighbors as ourselves and to keep his commandments.

God’s love for us is simply more than we could ever comprehend, and thankfully we have been given tools to strengthen our walk with him.

Fasting is something all Christians are called to do.

The details of how you fast will be dependent on what God is instructing you to do.

Hopefully after reading this you will feel confident that you can do the Daniel Fast for whatever length of time you choose.

 If you have any questions please leave them in the comment section below.

  1. This is my first time doing the Daniel Fast. I’m excited to try the Ezekiel tortillas and make a veggie pizza ☺️
    My family and I love the raisin and regular Ezekiel bread so I’m sure the tortillas will be great too.
    Thank you so much for answering a lot of questions.
    Praise the Lord for the work He is having you do sister. May the Lord bless you
    -Amelia Grace Jimenez

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