15 Fiber Nutrition Facts – More Reasons to Have More of It Daily!

May 15, 2019

foods high in fiber

15 Fiber Nutrition Facts - More Reasons to Have More of It Daily!

Earnestly desire the greater gifts, and I show you a still more excellent way.

1 Corinthians 12:31

Are you getting enough fiber in your diet?

If yes, GREAT for you!!

But if not, then we have to talk. You’re missing out on the amazing fiber benefits to your body, and you’re going to regret one day that you didn’t eat as much of those fiber-rich foods.

That’s why I’m all about fiber, among several other nutrients that are essential to your diet!

So let’s talk about fiber nutrition facts, why fiber is important, and what you should be eating to get your daily supply of fiber in your body.

What Can Fiber Do to Your Body

fiber benefits

What goes in must come out.

At least, that’s the case when it comes to toxins and wastes in your body.

And this is what fiber is good for… Among dozens of other things!

Here’s a rundown of several fiber benefits and facts to help you understand this essential nutrient more.

1. Fiber is the structural material that makes up all plants.

It is not a nutrient; therefore, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream. Fiber is resistant to digestion by secretions of the digestive tract; therefore, it passes through the body.

In this passing, it has some remarkable effects on our health.

2. Fiber reduces toxin build-up in the body.

Fiber decreases intestinal transit time, which moves food more quickly through the GI tract. There’s no time for toxins to linger and hang around in your body!

Fiber reduces toxin build-up in the body

3. Fiber enhances gut health.

Your GI tract needs good bacteria to fight off the bad ones that cause infections and a multitude of diseases.

Fiber increases intestinal micro-flora benefit with a more favorable medium in which they thrive. This way, you have a stronger defense against “invaders” in your gut!

4. Fiber keeps you satiated longer.

Do you want to lose weight or to stop binge-eating?

That’s what fiber is great for! By consuming fiber-rich foods, you will have an increased sense of fullness after eating, which helps you crave less and enjoy your food more.

5. Fiber helps prevent heart disease.

A thriving gut does BIG things to your overall health.

By increasing your daily intake of fiber by 10 grams, this decreases the risk of heart disease by 20 percent. (1)

Researchers studied fiber intakes in twenty developed countries. Japan ranked the highest in fiber intake and had the lowest rank in coronary heart disease, while the US ranked the lowest in fiber intake and the highest in coronary heart disease. Soluble fiber, such as that found in oats, fruits, legumes, and different gums, is best for lowering cholesterol.

6. Fiber makes you less susceptible to having colon cancer.

As you eliminate your wastes more efficiently and regularly, there is less accumulation of toxins in your body that compromise your health.

What’s more, an increase in fiber intake and a reduction in harmful fat intake can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 27 percent. (2)

Fiber makes you less susceptible to having colon cancer

7. Fiber reduces your risk of Candida and yeast infection.

Yeast infections are another concern that many people have, particularly if they are not getting enough fiber in their diet.

Fiber acts like an ambulance driver, as it takes dead Candida out of the body to the morgue (toilet)... Exactly where Candida, yeast, and all those nasties deserve to stay!

8. Fiber helps improve your blood profile and energy level.

Fiber results in increased energy, helps control weight, and really make a difference in blood profile. Combine that with regular exercise, and you don’t have to worry about being sluggish again!

Your doctor will wonder what you have been doing when he sees your blood work.

9. Fiber keeps your bowels regular.

Tired of struggling in the restroom?

Eat more fiber-rich foods daily to decrease the likelihood of constipation. Fiber acts as a sponge, absorbing liquid, so that stools are softer and bulkier: therefore, they can pass through the digestive track more rapidly and easily.

10. Fiber prevents bowel-related disorders.

Since you are eliminating wastes regularly and more efficiently, this reduces your chances of getting sick with ailments linked with irregular bowel movement.

Bowel disorders such as IBS, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, cancer of the colon and rectum are reduced. In the US, 141,000 new cases of colon cancer are expected every year with 50,000 dying from this disease yearly. Do you want to be one of those statistics?

11. Fiber helps regulate your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Have you been struggling with keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol in check?

Fiber latches onto the cholesterol in the bowel and prevents it from being reabsorbed into the bloodstream. As a result, your blood pressure level stays within the normal range, too!

12. Fiber reduces inflammation.

Inflammation is the result of toxins in the body.

By facilitating the elimination of toxic wastes more efficiently, fiber decreases the possibility medical conditions linked with inflammation including varicose veins, hiatal hernias, and gallstones.   

Fiber reduces inflammation

13. Fiber helps control and manage diabetes.

Blood sugar problems can be solved through a regular intake of diabetes.

This is why if you want to manage and control diabetes naturally, you should increase your fiber intake.This helps reduce your insulin needs while protecting your body from toxins.

14. Fiber supports weight loss and management.

Eat more fiber-rich foods to keep you energized, yet without adding excess pounds to your body.

As you stay active and full of energy, you will be able to do your workouts longer that can support your weight loss goals.

15. Fiber prevents cancer.

Fiber is naturally anti-carcinogenic.

Wheat bran bonds nitrate (cancer-causing chemical), making it unavailable to form cancer-causing nitrosamines. Fiber, like chlorophyll, may prevent carcinogens from entering cells.

If you want to achieve longevity the natural way, enjoy life more, and spend more time with your loved ones, consuming fiber daily is the way to go!

Fiber Nutrition Facts - Two Types of Fiber

Now that you know more about the great benefits of fiber in your diet, let’s look into the types of fiber and the different foods you should eat to get this amazing nutrient in your body.

Insoluble Fiber

This type of fiber is found in fruits and vegetables, wheat bran, whole grain cereals, whole wheat bread, nuts, and skins of fruits.

Insoluble fiber plays an important role in bowel regularity. It absorbs and holds moisture, thereby producing larger stools and promoting regularity.

Soluble Fiber

soluble fiber

Large superfood selection in white porcelain dishes over distressed white wooden background.

Soluble fiber is found in fruits, nuts, legumes, plant seeds, and some vegetables (such as cabbage), and oat bran.

By increasing your intake of soluble fiber, this leads to the proper utilization of sugars and fats. It helps with diabetes, hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, cholesterol issues, and high blood pressure.

Where to get your insoluble and soluble fiber

Good sources of both types of fiber are apples, wheat bran, whole grains, and dried fruits.

What Happens When You Don’t Consume Enough Fiber?

Since fiber is basically a “sweeper” and remover of toxins and wastes in the body, there are several health concerns that can happen in a low fiber diet. These include:

  • Constipation
  • High cholesterol
  • Cancer
  • Diverticulitis
  • Appendicitis
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Varicose Veins
  • Hiatal Hernia
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Gallstones
  • Diabetes
  • Increase in Toxins in Bloodstream
  • Weight Gain and Obesity

How Much Fiber Should You Eat Daily?

The National Cancer Institute recommends 25–30 grams of fiber per day. (3) Others suggest 35–50 grams. Diabetics need over 50 grams daily. 

Research indicates that Americans eat approximately 8–12 grams of fiber per day.

How Much Fiber Should You Eat Daily

Word of caution on Fiber Intake!

Increase fiber slowly in your diet. Too much too quickly may produce digestive discomfort and unfavorable changes in daily bathroom schedules.

Increasing fiber gradually and enjoying the positive consequences will give the added incentive to maintain recommended levels of fiber in the diet. 

Eat More Fiber for a Thriving, Happy Life!

So you see, fiber does amazing things to your body!
It eliminates toxins, keeps your bowel movement more regular, wards off inflammation, and reduces your risks of many types of cancer, obesity, and so much more.
Now that you know what fiber does to you, be sure to consume fiber daily that will ensure a healthy body, mind, and spirit!

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