Remember the jello you used to love as a kid?
Let’s bring back your all-time favorite dessert with this healthy jello recipe.
This is an amazing dish that’s truly a treat – but without the fake stuff in typical store-bought Jello.
Finally, you can make a quick and easy dessert for your kids! It only takes a few minutes to make this healthy jello recipe, and then your kids have something wholesome to enjoy after school or for a mid-day snack.
Sooo… Ready to re-invent this classic dessert but a healthier version?
Awesome, let’s get started!
What Makes this Healthy Jello… Healthy???
So I’m sure you’re wondering why this recipe is healthy.
What is unique about this and what does it have that the average Jello doesn’t have?
Easy – It’s got no artificial sugars or coloring.
When you read a pack of Jello, you’ll see dozens of ingredients on there. Some of those – or maybe all of those – you have no idea what they even are!
And can you imagine what you’re doing to your body if you decide to eat it?
It’s bad news for your health, that’s for sure.
But what makes this healthy gelatin recipe extraordinary is the fact that it doesn’t have any weird ingredients in it.
Everything’s wholesome – fruit preserves, Stevia, gelatin…That’s it! We’re not even adding artificial color and flavoring to give our jello a fun color and sweet flavor.
By just adding fruit preserves, especially homemade fruit preserves or jam, your gelatin will immediately have that nice color and taste to it.
How simple and healthy is that?!
All-Natural, Yummy Jello Recipe
I’m really fond of all natural food.
Unlike other jello recipes you can find, this one I’m about to share with you is different.
There are only 5 ingredients here… And there’s no artificial sugar! That’s a way to elevate your health, and it’s how you can show how much you care about your loved ones: By giving them a healthy alternative to their favorite meals.
In fact, if you want more dessert ideas, I have this homemade fruity ice cream recipe. That’s definitely one snack you don’t want to miss, especially when the warmer months start.
Or anytime you’re craving something cold and sweet!
Back to our healthy jello recipe…As I said, there are only a few ingredients here.
So it’s got Knoxx gelatin powder, water, your fruit juice or fruit preserves, and Stevia to sweeten it. You know, if you want it to be sweeter than it is. See? No strange ingredient that makes you sick to your stomach. Or just plain sick, period.
Now, why do I prefer to use Stevia? I like it because it’s natural and does not have the not-so-good components in refined white sugar. This jello recipe is also sweet because of the fruit preserves thrown in.Most importantly, it’s sweet and colorful… Just like what any perfect jello should be!
Combine all ingredients in a bowl, starting with your gelatin and boiling water, then that’s all there is to it. Here are the instructions on how to make this healthy jello recipe:
Healthy Gelatin with Fruit Recipe

Healthy Gelatin with Fruit Recipe
- 2 packets Knoxx gelatin powder
- 1 cup boiling water
- 1 cup cold water
- 2 teaspoons Stevia
- 1 tablespoon fruit juice or fruit preserves
- Put the gelatin powder in a bowl and pour a cup of boiling water. Stir with a whisk until dissolved.
- Add in a cup of cold water to the gelatin mixture.
- Sweeten the gelatin with a tablespoon of fruit preserves or fresh fruit juice.
- Add some Stevia for additional sweetness, if necessary.
- Chill to let it firm up.
- Take out of the fridge, serve, and enjoy!