Pomegranates in the Bible | An Arils (seed) Count Signal of Gods Love?

February 11, 2019

Pomegranates Tea

Table Talk Pomegranates

Families that eat together around the home kitchen table have been proven to be healthier and happier. Here is an interesting Pomegranates in the Bible story of Gods Love, waiting to be discussed at your table.

Pomegranates are a food Jesus would have eaten. In fact our travels to Israel took us to a village discovered to be from the years Jesus walked on this earth and at this village were pomegranate trees. As you learn and enjoy this delicious fruit imagine your family eating them with Jesus.

Pomegranates - because of its color and shape the pomegranate was considered the most beautiful fruit, Bible food in the land of Israel.

Pomegranates in the Bible

Exodus 28:33 (NIV)

"Make pomegranates of blue, purple and scarlet yarn around the hem of the robe, with gold bells between them."

It was stitched on the hem of the High Priest robe; alternating with gold bells.

It was carved into the capitals of the pillars outside the doors of the Holy of Hollies.

1 Kings 7:18

"He made pomegranates in two rows encircling each network to decorate the capitals on top of the pillars. He did the same for each capital."

Inside the pomegranate are beautiful arils, the pomegranate seeds. Legend says there are 613 sweet and juicy arils in each pomegranate. Why this number - what is the significance? The significance is that 613 equates to the number of laws in the Old Testament.

So, let me ask you, Do all pomegranates have 613 seeds?

A food historian who was also curious did his own research. He gathered pomegranates from all over the world, cut them open and counted their seeds.  

What do you think he discovered?

They did not all have 613 seeds - some had more, some had 613 and some had less. When he counted all of the arils and averaged them out - it averaged out to 613!

God continues to show us His Love and Workmanship in everything He created!

Pomegranates Tea

Pomegranate Benefits

  • Keeps skin youthful
  • Protects against the sun
  • Prevents inflammation
  • Protects against cancer: especially breast cancer
  • Protects against heart disease
  • Protects against eye problems
  • Also prevents buildup of plaque on teeth

Enjoy Pomegranates today

Be creative in the kitchen. They can still be found in whole form in the produce aisle of some grocery stores. Buy one - bring it home and then have fun removing the arils. There are several You Tube videos with help to accomplishing this task.

For easier enjoyment of the arils, they can be purchased in the freezer section of the grocery store in packages next to frozen fruit. They go on sale often so that would be a great time to stock up.

Top salads with arils. A salad of spinach, strawberries, feta cheese, sesame seeds plus arils would be delicious. Good enough to not need any dressing.

Add arils to your breakfast oatmeal, in your tea and even in orange juice.
Or - eat them like I do - just a bowl of arils.

Such a delicious way to boost your immune system and enjoy God's goodness.

Here are some of my favorites:

Pomegranates Tea

Pomegranates Powder

Add this to your smoothies, salad dressings, tea and desserts:

pomegranates tea

Pomegranates Tea

This tea is a next-generation mental energy product that delivers rapid improvements in brain and physical performance, without the jitters or crash you might get from many high-stimulant or high-sugar energy drinks

My reason - it tastes really good 🙂

Grow Your Own Pomegranates

Yes, in most of America Pomegranate trees or bushes do very well. I am looking forward to this new spring when my trees will start to bloom and then bear fruit in season.

Here is one organic garden that delivers trees everywhere. If you live in Virginia they offer a volunteer program: work in exchange for trees.  

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